4~Boarding The Dream

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Selena's POV:

April 10, 1912.......

It was almost an ailing day; a crowd of hundreds blackens the pier next to the Titanic like ants on a jelly sandwich. On the pier horse drawn vehicles, motorcars and Lorries move slowly through the dense throng. The atmosphere is one of excitement and general giddiness. People embrace in tearful farewells, or wave and shout 'Bon Voyage!' wishes to friends and relatives on the decks above.

The Renault stops and the Liveried driver scurries to open the door for me to step out of, I was wearing a stunning white and purple dress, with an enormous feathered hat, regal of bearing, with piercing eyes. "I don't see what all the fuss is about. It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauritania." I supposed. My fiance, Harry Styles skipped out of the car and ran towards me. "You can be blase about some things, Selena, but not about Titanic. It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauritania, and far more luxurious. It has squash courts, a Parisian cafe... even Turkish baths."

Harry turned and fives his hand to my mother, who descends from the touring car being him, my mother was a society empress, from one of the most prominent Philadelphia families, she was a widow, and rules her household with iron will.
"Your daughter is much too hard to impress, Ruth"
My mother giggled and gracefully put her gloves on we were suddenly escorted to the Ship.

Boarding the Titanic.......

"All part of my charm, Ruth. At any rate, it was my darling fiance's beauty rituals which made us late." I looked at Harry frustrated. "You told me to change!" I smiled. "I couldn't let you wear black on a sailing day, sweet pea. It's bad luck!"
I sighed, "Well I felt like black" Harry guided us out of the path of a horse-drawn wagon loaded with two tons of Oxford Marmalade, in wooden cases, for Titanic's Victualing Department. I looked up as the hulls of Titanic looms over us..... a great ion wall, Bible black and sever, Harry motioned me forward, entering the gangway to the D-deck doors with a sense of overwhelming dread.

Old Selena's POV:

It was the ship of dreams...to everyone else; to me it was a slave ship, taking me back to America in chains. Outwardly I was everything a well brought up girl should be, but inside,  I was screaming.........
Madame_Bieber xxx

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