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Justin's POV: 

I sit on the bench in the sun, Titanic's wake spreads out behind me to the horizon. I drew rapidly, using sure strokes. Tommy my new companion came forward blocking the sun with his head. "That's typical, first class dogs come down here to take a shit." I looked up from my sketch book, so that now I was facing him up. "That's so we know where we rank in the scheme of things" i laughed.He squatted, "Like we could forget." I glanced across the Well deck, at the aft railing of the B-deck.

 I looked over Tommy's shoulder and something pleasing caught my eye. We were 60 feet apart, with the Well deck like a valley between us. She on her promontory, I was on the much lower one; she stares down at the water. I watched her unpin her elaborate hat and take it off, she looks at the frilly absurd thing, and then tosses it over the rail, it sails far down to the water and it carried away, astern.

 A spot of yellow in the vast ocean. I reverted her, she looked like a figure in a romantic novel, sad and isolated. Her big brown orbs were calm and emotionless. Her hair was in a loose bun with curls that defined perfection, her hair was brown, it made me want to touch and feel it, so elegant and loyal. She turns suddenly and looks right at me, I was caught staring, but I didn't look away, our eyes meet across the space of the Well deck, across the gulf between worlds. 

I saw a man, come up from behind her and take her arm, she jerked her arm away, they argue in pantomime, and I curiously wanted to know what the problem was, she storms away and he goes after her, disappearing along the A-deck promenade.

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Madame_Bieber xxx

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