32~Little Reunion

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Selena's POV:

"Anyone in here?" 

I heard Mr Andrews's voice comes from across the corridor. "Mr Andrews, thank God! Where would the Master at Arms take someone under arrest?!" I asked out of breath. "What? You have to get to the boat right away!"

 He hauled my arm and I instantly waved my arm back. "No! I'll do this with or without your help, sir. But without will only take longer." He exhaled. 

"Take the elevator to the very bottom; go left, down the crewman's passage, then make a right." I nodded "Bottom, Left, and Right. I have it" I smiled. "Hurry Selena!" I ran up as fast as the last elevator Operator is closing up his lift to leave. "Sorry, miss, lifts are closed—without thinking I grab him and shove him back into the lift.

 "I'm through with being polite, goddamn it!! I may never be polite the rest of my life! Now take me down!!" I screamed. 

Through the wrought iron door of the elevator car I could see the decks going past. The lift slows, suddenly ice water is swirling around my legs, I screamed in surprised, and do does the operator. 

 The car has landed in a foot of freezing water, shocking the hell out of me. I clawed the door open and splashes pout, hiking up my floor length dress so that I couldn't move. The lift went back up, behind me, as I look around. "Left crew passage" I said to myself. "Left, crew passage, left crew passage." 

I repeated making sure I didn't forget. I spotted it and slogged down the flooded corridor. I was truly and utterly alone. "Right, right...right" I repeated. I turned into a cross-corridor, splashing down the hall, a row of doors on each side. 

"Justin? Juuusstin!!??" I howled. A few instants later I heard my name come out of a familiar voice. "Selena!! I'm here!!" It screamed. 187 in the hall, I heard his voice behind me, I span around and ran back, locating the right door, then pushed it open, creating a small wave. I flapped over to Justin and put my arms around him. "Justin, Justin...Justin I'm s-sorry, I'm so sorry!!" I whimpered.

 "That guy, Lovejoy, he put it in your pocket" I cried. Tears forming in his beautiful auburn eyes. "I know, I know." I cried. Still hugging him. "Shhhh, baby girl, its ok now, you found me. You're my hero too." He weakly smiled. We both stared in each other's eyes, we then kissed and our lips moved in sync, he swirled his tongue under my bottom lip and asked for entrance, I nodded, for a minute, we were in heaven, but then I pulled away, "See if you can find a key for theses." 

He said out of breathe. I nodded breathing in and out loudly. "T-try those d-drawers" he said breathlessly. I kissed his face and hugged him again, then started to go through the desk. "So... how did you find out I didn't do it?" I stopped looking, and turned around to face him, "I-I didn't" I stuttered, "I just realized I already knew." 

We shared a look, and then got back to ransacking the room, searching drawers and cupboards. Justin sees movement on the porthole and looks out. A life boat hits the surface of the water. Minutes after looking, I started to give up, "There's no key in here" 

I groaned. We looked around at the water, now almost two feet deep; Justin has pulled his feet up onto the bench. "

You have to go for help" he says courageously. I nodded obediently, "I'll be right back" I ran out, looking back at him from the doorway, and then splashed away. Wallowing down the hall was the most unpleasant feeling in the world. Justin was right, the water does make you not think, and I was starting to lose my concentration and speed. I limbed on the stairs, clothes stuck to me skin tight, I rip at the buttons and shimmies quickly out of the thing.

 I bounded up the stairs in my stocking and knew-length slip, to find myself in a maze. I was unaided. A long groan of a stressing metal echoes along the hall as the ship continues to settle.

I run down the hall, unimpeded now. "Hello? Somebody?!" I turn a corner and run along another corridor in a daze. 

The hall slopes down into the water which, shimmers, reflecting the light. The margin of the water crept towards me. A young man appears, running through the water, sending up geysers of spray. He pelts past me without slowing, his eyes crazed... "Help me! We need help!" I screamed. He doesn't look back. It was a bad dream. The hull gongs with terrifying sounds. The lights flicker and go out, leaving utter darkness. A beat. Then they came back on. I found myself hyperventilating. 

That one moment of blackness was the most terrifying moment of my life. A steward runs around the nearest corner, his arms full of lifebelts. He is upset to see someone still in his section.

 He grabbed me forcefully by the arm, pulling me with him like a wayward child. "Come on, then, let's get you topside, miss, that's right." I tried speaking but he would interrupt every time. "Wait. Wait! I need your help! There's—"No need for panic, miss. Come along!" he said softly whilst rapidly dragging me. "No, let me go! You're going the wrong way!" I exclaimed. He wasn't listening. And he wouldn't let me go. I shouted in his ear, and then he turned, I punched him squarely in the nose. Shocked, he lets me go and staggers back. "To hell with you!" He cried. "See you there, buster!" I shouted. 

The steward ran off, holding his bloody nose. I spat after him, just the way Justin taught me. I turned around, a glass case with a fire-axe in it. I broke the glass with a battered suitcase which was lying discarded nearby, and seized the axe, running back courageously to my prince charming. 192 at the stairwell, I looked down and gasped, the water had flooded the bottom five steps. I went down a little bit and crouched to look along the corridor to the room where Justin was trapped. I finally had the guts to plunge in the half froze water, which was up to my waist, I couldn't feel my toes or my ankles, holding the axe above my head in two hands, I grimaces at the pain from the literally freezing water. I waded back to the room Justin was in, holding the axe above my head. "Will this work?" I asked. "We'll find out."

 He supposed. We were both terrified, but trying to keep the panic at bay, he positions the chain connect two the cuffs, stretching it taut across the steel pipe. The chain of course was very short, as his exposed wrists are on either side of it. I arch my back and the very heavy axe was swung behind my ears ready to chop the chain, hopefully. "Ready!" I said in vigorous strength.

"WHOA, wait, try a couple practice swings" he said, petrified. 

I walked slowly towards the cabinet; I hefted the axe and dented it into the wood cabinet. "Ok, now try hitting the same mark again." He supported. I swung the blade only four inches from the mark. "Okay, okay, that's enough practice." He respired. 

He winces, bracing himself as I raise the axe. I had to hit the target about an inch wide with all the force I can muster. "You can do it, kitten, Hit it as hard as you can, I trust you." He said steadily. Justin closed his eyes, and so did I. 

The axe comes down. K-WHANG! I gingerly open my eyes and looks... Justin was grinning with two separate cuffs. I drop the axe, all the strength going out of me. "Nice work, there Paul Bunyan." He laughed. He climbed down into the water next to me. He couldn't breathe for a second. "SHIT!! Excuse my French. Ow, Ow, that is cold!! Come on, let's go." 

He says holding my hand and waddling with another two pairs of shivering legs behind him. We made it out in the hall. I walked towards the stairs going up, but Justin stops me. There is only about a foot of the stairwell opening visible. "Too deep, we got to find another way out." He assured.  

Reader's Notice:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!


Madame_Bieber xxx

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