19~That Wish

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Selena's POV:

The stars blaze overhead, so bright and clear you can see the Milky Way. Justin and I walked along the row of lifeboats, still giddy from the party; we were singing a popular song 'Come Josephine in My Flying Machine'

We fumbled in the words and break down laughing. I opened the door the first class entrance, I stood by the door not wanting the evening to end. We lean towards a small open window and look at the sea. "Isn't it magnificent? So grand and endless." I asked. I go to the rail and lean on it.

"They're such small people,Justin... my crowd. They think they're giants on the earth, but they're not even dust in God's eye. They live inside this little tiny champagne bubble... and someday the bubble's going to burst."

He leans at the rail next to me, his hands just touching mine. It was the slightest contact imaginable, and all we both felt,  the only thing we felt was that square inch of skin where our hands are touching. He then spoke out slowly"You're not one of them. There's been a mistake." I looked at him confused. "A mistake??"

He nodded without stopping, "Uh huh. You got mailed to the wrong address".  I laughed so hard, "I DID, DIDN'T I!!!?"  I pointed quickly to the sky, "Look! A shooting star" Justin looked up "that was a long one. My father used to say that whenever you saw one, it was a soul going to heaven." I paused thinking hat to say next.

"I like that. Aren't you supposed to wish on it?" Justin looked at me, I found myself that I was suddenly very close to him and he was too, it would be easy to move another couple of inches, to kiss him. Justin seemed to be thinking the same thing. "What did you wish for?" He questioned. I pulled away, "Something that will never happen" I sighed.............

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Madame_Bieber xxx

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