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     Malachite swims as fast and as hard as she can to get to the bottom of the ocean. She has to get away. She has to get away from them. She's feels torn inside. A part of her wants to destroy them and cause them great pain while another part of her wants to keep them safe. Wants to keep him safe. She feels two emotions towards him. She feels love and hatred towards him with also a bit of curiosity in her strange mixture of feelings.

     She wishes that she could think clearly and without being torn. Maybe if she ignores the feelings she won't feel torn. No. The feelings are too strong. No matter how hard she swims, she can't out swim her emotions.

     The light from above begins to get thinner as she swims further. The fish around her start to become bigger and glow. Soon, the glowing fish are the only source of light around her. She uses them to light her path. She watches them with one of her four eyes, trying to keep her mind of her mixed emotions.

      Finally, she sees the bottom. She swims to it and lands with a big thud on the bottom of the ocean. The ground feels weird on her feet which are actually hands. She smiles, for a second until the darker part of her make her frown.

     Malachite looks up and can't see the surface of the ocean. That brings relief to her. She can't hurt him from down here. Malachite feels something bite one of her arms and looks down to see a strange round fish gnawing on her arm. She brings her arm closer to her eyes to get a better look at the fish.

     The fish is larger than the other fish and has a strange light in front of its face. Its sharp teeth dig into her flesh causing blood to seep out of her arm and mix with the ocean. Malachite winces at the pain coming from her arm. Both parts of her feel annoyed and want the fish to leave her alone. Finally, both parts of her are in agreement.

     Malachite narrows her eyes at the fish and raises one of her hands. As quick as lightning, she squishes the fish in her palm. The sharp pain stops and instead turns into a burning feeling. She removes her hand and pears closely at the red liquid that escapes her hand. She watches it float up in the water.

     Malachite looks around to take in her surroundings. It's hard to see but she can faintly make up sea anima, coral, and small glowing fish. To her left is a large wall of stone. She approaches the wall and runs one of her hands down the smooth stone. Parts of it fall off the wall and dissolve in her hand.

     She winces and brings her hand to her head when she feels a large change in her mood. Malachite begins to feel much more angry. She can't really tell what her anger is directed at but she gets the strange feeling that it's aimed at herself and them, the Crystal gems. She MUST get her revenge. She must cause them as much pain as they have caused her. For shattering Pink Diamond.

     Malachite brings her hands up above her and begins swimming to the surface. She kicks and scales the wall. Determination lights her path and the light from the fish. Malachite reaches the top of the wall and feels the sudden change of water temperature around her. The water seems warmer up here because of the light from the moon shinning down on the ocean.

      All the fishes seem to become aware of her in an instance and swim as fast away from her as they can. She watches them swim away from her for a couple seconds and then looks up above. She begins swimming again. The surface comes into sight and she smiles smugly to herself. She's such a good swimmer.

     She extends her hand towards the surface as if she grab ahold of it. Suddenly, sharp pain explodes in her head. She roars in pain and grabs ahold of her head. She can't defend herself from this pain.

"STOP IT!" she yells. "You're hurting us!"


"You're my prisoner!"

"Pathetic! Do you really think you can hold me forever? You'll lose strength and I'll be there to take control!"

     Tears begin to form in Malachite's eyes. She just wishes that she can feel at peace. She feels the darker part of her think disgust at the fact that she's crying. She stops swimming and slowly begins to sink to the bottom. Malachite takes this time to try to compose herself. She opens her mouth and takes deep breaths.

      Water rushes into her mouth and body. It begins to calm her; soother her. She sighs and closes her eyes. She enjoys the feeling of the water coursing through her hair. She giggles when the fishes tickle her as a school of fish swim through her hair. The water around Malachite begins to feel colder, alerting her of where she is. Her feet touch the ground and immediately her mind is at war with itself.

     She screams as her mind fights for control. The pain is unbearable. She feels herself begin to split apart as her body starts glowing and her thoughts become soupy and thick. Then suddenly, she back and whole. Along with her thoughts becoming sharper.

     She grabs fistfuls of her hair as her nails and fingers dig into the bottom of the ocean. Her painful scream form bubbles underwater. Tears flow from her eyes. The water. It becomes suffocating. She takes deep breaths trying to calm herself again but it doesn't work like it did before.

"Give up!"


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