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   As Malachite explores the bottom of the ocean, Lapis fights for control. The chains pull hard and she pulls back with all her strength. She doesn't care what Malachite does, only that she doesn't hurt Steven and the others. More of Steven.

   The chains dig into her wrist causing bruises to form. Lapis grits her teeth as she pulls. When will Jasper give up?  It seems like she's been fighting for years when it's really only been one day. Lapis has no idea how she'll be able to do this forever. She has to be able to do this forever. She has to keep Steven safe.

   Jasper looks down at the murky form of Lapis and growls. She hates herself and but she hates Lapis more. She can't believe she let herself get in this situation. She still can't believe Lapis even did this! Jasper has to admit, the little Gem has gut.

   Jasper can feel the wet ground underneath her but it's not her feet. It's their feet. Their body. Jasper yanks on the chains again with all her strength and one of her feet sinks into the water. She smiles to herself. She's beginning to take control again. She almost had it last time until that little brat used her wings to take an extra boost against Jasper.

   Lapis's feet begin to sink into the water ground. Fear and panic begin to overcome her, causing Malachite to freeze and grab her head again. Lapis begins to sink. She hears the sound of gurgling water and looks behind her to see hands emerging from the water. Orange hands.

   Lapis squirms, kicks, and fights back with all her strength. But the water is like quicksand. The more she struggles, the more she sinks. Soon Jaspers head and arms are out from the water. Jasper narrows her eyes at Lapis.

"Give up! Soon your precious Crystal Gems will be shattered!" Jasper shouts just as Lapis is pulled under.

   Almost immediately, both Gems can feel the change in Malachite's mood and behavior. Dread fill Lapis as Malachite becomes angry. She can feel their thirst for revenge. It's so overpowering that Lapis staggers.

   Jasper stands, taking deep breaths as power and control shoot through her - knocking the wind out of her. She begins laughing to herself, causing Malachite to laugh. Jasper laughs even more as the chains on her wrist relax. "So, you've finally given up? Well, I don't blame you."

   Jasper begins to make Malachite swim to the surface, to The Crystal Gems. Lapis screams at Jasper but Jasper can't hear her over her own laughter. Lapis uses all of the control that she has over Malachite to try and make Malachite to stop. She smiles when Malachite stops, but it is only for a second. Soon, Malachite it swimming again and getting closer to the surface.

   Lapis takes a deep breath when Malachite reaches the top of the cliff. Water wings shoot out of Lapis's Gem and Lapis yanks on her chains. Jasper falls to her knees. Her eyes widen as she begins to be dragged on the floor. She reaches for something, anything, but there is only water.  Then, she seems to get her footing and stands, fighting Lapis and keeping her at bay.

The sound of something hitting the water causes both of them to freeze. Malachite looks up to see a yellow raft directly above her. Swimming towards her is a figure. A figure with black hair in the shape of a box, two Gems on her hands, and goggles to cover her three eyes.

   Both Jasper and Malachite smile and say, "Let's have some fun."

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