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Again, Lapis Lazuli fights Jasper for control over Malachite. Again she uses all of her strength to keep them far away from The Crystal Gems and Steven. The incident with Garnet was a close call. Lapis began to give into Jasper's rage and let them shatter Garnet. But at the sound of Steven's name, Lapis snapped and regained her purpose.

Lapis tries to keep Malachite down with the weight of this planet's ocean but it's hard with Jasper pulling on the chains. Lapis grits her teeth. "Fine. You want to play rough? I'll play rough," Lapis snarls.

Jasper looks around when she hears the loud sound of water hitting water. Her eyes widen when she sees the water forming around her. Jasper grabs ahold of her chains and pulls on them with all her might as the water gets closer. Jasper begins to shake as the water climbs up her body and towards her head.

Lapis smiles to herself when she hears Jasper's screams as water enters her mouth and ears. Malachite roars from massive pain. Lapis takes out all of her anger out on Jasper. To make her even more sick, she takes great joy from causing someone else pain.

Suddenly, Lapis feels lightheaded. The water falls to the ground and off of Jasper. Jasper takes this time to catch her breath. She pants and stares at the ground as she sees spots in her vision.

Lapis opens her eyes to see.... Steven. Her eyes shoot wide open as Steven turns around to look back at Lapis.

"Steven?" Lapis shouts. How in the world is he here?

"Lapis Lazuli!" Steven shouts and floats over to her.

"Steven! What are you doing here?" Lapis asks him with great concern.

Steven smiles, completely at ease, and begins to talk about how this is all a dream while Lapis looks at him like he's gone mad. Lapis shakes her head. "Steven! You need to leave!"

Jasper takes this moment to yank on the chains causing Lapis to focus on the task at hand. Lapis looks back up to see that Steven has disappeared. She sighs. Good. He's safe now.

Another yank on the chains and Lapis's foot submerges into the water. Lapis uses her water powers to try and drown Jasper so she can keep her control on Malachite. Jasper's piercing screams send shivers down Lapis's arms.

Malachite walks on the bottom of the ocean and pauses when she feels something caught in her hair. It doesn't feel like a fish. It feels strange. Lapis and Jasper both immediately become aware of the strange presence that is caught in their hair. Lapis hears something hit the water behind her.

"Lapis!" Steven yells and rushes towards her.

Lapis turns her head towards Steven, sweat dripping down her face as she uses all of her strength to stay in control so Jasper can't hurt Steven. "Steven! Why do you keep coming back?"

"Lapis, tell me where you are! We can help!" Steven yells back.

Lapis pauses. Another pull on the chains snaps her out of it. Lapis shakes her head. "I don't need your help. Just go!" Lapis yells as the water grabs ahold of her and pushes her down.

Malachite pauses. She feels the presence of an intruder but can't see one. Her mind feels strange. Almost as if she's dreaming.

Jasper resurfaces, gaining control over Malachite. She takes deep breathes and looks up to see Steven staring at her. "YOU!" she yells and begins crawling towards Steven.


Lapis looks up to see Jasper approaching Steven. She gasps. NO! Lapis summons her wings and flies as hard as she can to pull Jasper back away from Steven. It seems to be working because Lapis's chains get longer as she begins to burst through the water and to Steven.

Finally, Lapis emerges to the surface and begins panting. Steven rushes over to her. Lapis looks up at Steven, "Don't you see? I don't want you help. Just... Just let me do this for you!"

"Lapis," Steven says.

Lapis narrows her eyes and stands. "No. We're Malachite, now."

Lapis raps her wings around her and submerges into the water. Malachite feels funny. She closes her eyes and then opens them to see a little boy swimming beside her. She has no idea how he's able to breath underwater but it appears that he can. Anger pierces through her for reasons that she doesn't know towards the little boy.

"GO!" she yells at him and then suddenly, he vanishes right before her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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