3-Garnet Meets Malachite

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      Malachite waits for the new comer, Garnet to land on the cliff. She looks down at Garnet with a large smug smile on her face. Garnet stares up at Malachite.

"Lapis! Let us help you!" Garnet yells.

  Malachite laughs. "She's not here right now."

  Garnet takes a step back. "Jasper."

"That's right. I'm ready for our rematch."

  Garnet summons her gauntlets. Malachite summons her helmet and stares down at the smaller Gem. Malachite feels a small panicking feeling with in her. She doesn't understand. Why is she feeling panicked? This Gem is much smaller than her. Why would she be afraid?

  Malachite shakes her head and roars. She races towards Garnet and smashes her hand down where Garnet is. Is looks down confused when she doesn't feel a body underneath her. She lifts her hand to see nothing but sand. Odd. She could have sworn that's where the Gem had been standing.

  Malachite feels little feet running up one of her arms and looks down to see the littler Gem running up her arm. Garnet does a battle cry and jumps into the air with her fist raised high. Malachite glares at her and slams her helmet down on the Gem, this time hitting her.

  Garnet poofs into a cloud of white smoke. Malachite smiles and raises one her head back to shatter the two Gems laying on the murky sandy floor. Suddenly, she freezes. A strange warmth settles into her heart. She feels strange. Her head begins to hurt and her helmet fades away.

  Her body feels like goo and her thoughts hurt. She digs her hands into the ground. Malachite raises her head back and roars. Why does this keep happening to her? She wants it to stop! It hurts! Slowly, Malachite begins to back up but half of her is resisting. Three of her hands dig even more into the ground, leaving long claw marks in the ground.

  A bright white light blinds Malachite. She squints until the light dims and fades away. She at where she poofed Garnet to see Garnet standing there. Garnet races over to Malachite. "Malachite! You have to decide what and who you want to be!"

  Malachite looks at Garnet with two scared eyes and two eyes full of hatred. A part of Malachite is scared out of her wits while the other is just angry and thirsty for revenge. "You have to take control!" Garnet continues.

"I can't! She's too strong!" Malachite yells.

"Yes, you can! You can do this! I believe in you! Steven, believes in you!"

That name. It shakes Malachite to her core. Deep and strong emotions arise from within Malachite. She feels the dark part of Malachite begin to shrink but not fade away. Malachite's muscles begin to relax as her body stops fighting herself. She feels the most calm that she's ever felt in the twenty-seven hours that she's been alive.

Malachite takes deep breathes, gulping in large masses of water to calm herself. The salt in the water adds a bitter taste to it but she enjoys the distraction from the pain that is inside her. Malachite looks down at Garnet and stands. The two fusions stare at each other for a couple minutes until Malachite turns and begins swimming away.

Garnet watches as Malachite swims away. She clenches her fists and looks up at the yellow raft floating above her. Malachite stops and looks up as well. She narrows her eyes and watches as something breaks the surface of the water. A small head stares down at the ocean floor. Malachite's breath hinges when she recognizes who it is.

"Steven," she whispers.

Immediately, Malachite feels drawn to him but instead hunkers down to the ocean floor. She kicks up sand to cover herself. She doesn't dare move. Instead, she just watches Steven through the sand cloud around her. Malachite relaxes when Steven goes back up into the raft. She looks back to where Garnet was only to see that the fusion is swimming up towards the raft.

Malachite watches. A part of her wishes that the fusion will stop and turn around. A part of her wishes that Garnet won't leave her all alone. Alone with the war inside of her.

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