The Run and Go

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It was late and raining hard. Tyler's stomach grumbled as if to say "Feed me please". He pulled his hood over his head to conceal his identity and walked into a nearby diner. The diner was very busy. It had a nice vintage feel to it that made Tyler feel as calm as he could in his situation.
A waitress spoke "Sir we're full but if someones nice enough I'm sure you could share a booth with them." Tyler sighed and looked around the diner. There was one booth with a father and his toddler. Tyler shook his head. The next booth had a creepy looking man picking his nose and then eating his fries with those same disgusting snot covered hands. Tyler gagged and looked at the last diner. Here there was a man with ocean blue hair and a tattoo that clearly ran up to his shoulder, despite only his lower arm being shown. This seemed to be Tyler's best option and he went over to the booth. He pulled the hoodie in a way that made only part of his face visible.
"Could I sit here?" Tyler spoke quietly.
The blue haired man replied happily "Sure"
Tyler sat and scooted his way to the wall. He looked at the menu for a second and quickly decided what he wanted.
The blue haired man spoke again "So why did you decide to sit with me?"
Tyler wasn't a fan of small talk but he didn't want to be rude "You just seemed the least obnoxious", he paused "And you have cool hair."
The stranger smiled "What's your name?"
"I'm Tyler..." he refrained from using his last name.
"Josh" He held out his hand to shake. Tyler grabbed his hand, shook it once then let go.
The news in the background seemed to have gotten louder. The news reporter spoke
I repeat, if you see Tyler Joseph anywhere please report him. He has been charged with murder.
Josh's face changed from happiness to fear in seconds as the last of the reporters words came out. He realized he was sitting with a criminal. Josh began to get up as if to run but Tyler grabbed him by the shirt.
Tyler pulled the hoodie over his face again and spoke calmly "I have a gun in my pocket now. Please, don't make me have to use it. Just sit down and I won't hurt anyone. Please?" he sounded sincere and innocent as if he couldn't be murder
Josh, out of fear, listened to Tyler and sighed. "J-Just... Don't hurt me please."
Tyler nodded.
"S-So you killed someone?" Josh swallowed.
"I don't wanna talk about it... Just forget the news reporter said anything." It was clear that Tyler was sad.
Josh nodded. The waitress came by and took the boys orders. Surprisingly the waitress didn't recognize Tyler and continued with her work. Both Josh and Tyler let out a sigh of relief for different reasons.
They ate as if Tyler hadn't just threatened to shoot up the diner and paid for their food separately.
Josh got out of the booth and left quickly in an attempt to escape Tyler. Tyler followed after
"Hey Josh" he grabbed Josh by the shoulder "Where are you going?"
Josh was clearly nervous "H-home?..." an obvious lie from Josh.
"You were going to the police department weren't you?"
"N-No really! I was going home." Josh smiled nervously.
"Then you don't mind if I come with you?"
Josh shook his head "Nope, go ahead, come to my place."
"Okay thanks because I needed a place to lay low." Tyler smirked at Josh. Josh had fallen right into Tyler's trap. Now Josh couldn't call the police without being charged for harboring a fugitive. Josh sighed in defeat and headed home. Tyler followed after, making sure no passers by could get a good look at his face.
After a long walk of avoiding strangers and police they finally arrived at Josh's apartment. Josh defeatedely opened the door for Tyler. He waltzed in humming a happy tune.
The apartment looked very clean. There was a sofa that had a small compartment for cups to go and a large flat screen TV.
"Nice place you got Jish"
"Did you just call me Jish?"
"Yep. Sure did Jishwa"
Josh rolled his eyes "you know, this does not make us friends."
Tyler fake pouted "Then what does it make us?"
Josh spoke with an annoyed tone "Well, you forced me to let you stay here pretty much at gun point so it makes you a criminal."
Tyler frowned "Rude... It's not like I wanted to be a criminal."
Josh was annoyed still "So what you just killed someone on accident? I'll probably end up being your next victim."
Tyler was hurt a little "First off, no I'm not going to kill you,  you actually seem like a cool guy and I hate having take advantage of you this way. Second, stop calling me a murderer, it was an accident I swear." Tyler got a little teary-eyed by the end of his sentence.
Josh sighed "Well I'm stuck with you now so I guess I should try and get along with you... Want some coffee?"
Tyler shook his head, he went over to Josh's sofa and sat. Josh made himself some coffee and then sat with Tyler. "You can sleep on the couch if you want, or I'll pull out an old dusty air mattress"
Tyler smiled a little "I'll just take the sofa, it's comfortable and I'm already on it." He yawned
"You sure"
Tyler nodded tiredly "Yeah I'm sure..."
Tyler began to fall asleep. After about a minute of struggling to keep his eyes open he finally gave in. He fell limp and landed on with his head on Josh's side. He looked down at the now sleeping Tyler that was laying on his shoulder. He carefully snuck the gun out of Tyler's pocket and hid it. After his safety precaution, Josh grabbed a spare blanket and put it over Tyler. Josh smiled, Tyler looked very peaceful when asleep. Josh then went over to his bed and slept restfully.

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