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They drove and they drove with no destination planned. They would just drive until they found some place to hide. The car ride was quiet. Both were lost in thought. What would happen to them? Where would they go? Would they get caught? Only time could tell (And me cause I wrote this story lol).
Tyler finally broke the silence "This was a terrible idea. Where are we gonna go? What about your family and friends Josh? You had a good life ahead of you! Why'd you throw it away for me?"
Josh didn't say a word. He was too busy with his own thoughts and fears. Josh was honestly scared to death. He had no clue what he was doing. He finally sighed "We should look for a place to stay."
Suddenly an idea popped into Tyler's mind "I know where! There's this old treehouse in the forest near where my parents live. We could stay there."
"Maybe..." Josh didn't like the idea but it might be the only solution "Fine... treehouse it is. Your parents don't know about it, right?"
Tyler nodded in reply. Tyler gave directions to Josh and drove to the treehouse, all while avoiding the police. The car ride was short. The car had to drive through untouched woods leaving it scratched up and dirty from all the needle-like tree branches. They finally arrived at the treehouse. It was an old treehouse. Dead vines grew up the side of it. There was a window that looked sort of as if it had been a hole someone punched in the wall. The ladder leading up to the house was rope, it could be pulled up and dropped down if needed. It didn't look very sturdy but it would hold... hopefully. Josh and Tyler climbed out of the car and looked up at what would be their new hide out. Josh sighed "Well, it's home now I guess... it looks sorta safe."
Tyler frowned "It was in better condition the last time I saw it..."
"How long ago was that?"
"A few years"
Josh rolled his eyes and climbed up the ladder. He made it to the top. The treehouse seemed to sway in the wind which scared Josh. He was tempted to go back down and never go back up but it was the only place they would be safe.
"Come on up Ty. It's safe... I think"
Tyler nervously climbed up the rope ladder and walked around in the small treehouse. They both hated this place, it felt like it was ready to fall out of the tree and kill them both. It wouldn't of course since whoever built the treehouse built it well but the fear still remained in the back of their heads.
Josh sighed and sat with his back against the wall. He pulled out his phone and looked down at the messages.
Mom: Where are you Joshie? You were on the news, they said you're a criminal now. Please come home honey. ❤️
Jordan: Josh what's going on? What did you do? Please don't get hurt, just come back.
Ashley: Josh we miss you. We're all really worried.
Abigail: Josh?? Are you there? Please be okay I'm worried
He turned off the phone. It was too much for him to handle, he began to sob. Tyler had never seen Josh even slightly sad. Seeing Josh cry broke his heart. He went over, sat next to him and put an arm around him.
"Hey, hey Josh. Come on don't cry, you're supposed to be the strong one. Come on it'll be okay. We can go home one day I promise. We just have to lay low for a little bit, it might even be fun. Just you in me living in the forest."
Josh sobbed more "I just want to go home. What are we gonna do? We have no food, no water. Nothing Tyler. We have nothing! The cops will find us eventually and it's all my fault. I should've just turned you in when I had the chance."
Tyler frowned and tried to remain positive. "W-Well... You didn't turn me in which is good. Now we have eachother and that's good right?"
He began to calm down "Y-Yeah... Good point..."  Josh had recently been feeling very happy around Tyler, something about him gave him butterflies. He wiped away his own tears and smiled at Tyler "Honestly... I'm glad to be stuck with you in this treehouse."
Tyler smiled "Thanks Josh but uh... How exactly are we going to survive? We have no food or anything..."
Josh sighed "I guess I'll have to go into town and buy things. I haven't been wanted as long as you so most people won't notice who I am."
"You should go now then. We shouldn't wait."
Josh nodded "Okay. You have your gun right?"
Tyler nodded and held it up.
"Good. I'll be back in about an hour." Josh planted a kiss on Tyler's forehead and quickly climbed down the ladder before Tyler could react. Tyler blushed bright red and smiled.
He couldn't wait for Josh to come back.

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