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Josh woke up and stretched. Tyler was still sound asleep next to him. He shook Tyler slightly to wake up.
"Hey Ty, come on get up."
Tyler groaned and rubbed his eyes, looking up at his colorful haired friend. "Can't I just sleep more?"
"Well, you can I guess. I gotta go buy some stuff. I need you to stay here with the doors locked." This was the first time since Tyler had moved in that he would be alone in the apartment. Josh took extra precaution to keep Tyler safe. "If anything happens, text me or something. Okay?"
Tyler was only half listening. He stretched and nodded "Yeah sure whatever you say Jish"
Josh smiled and patted Tyler's head. He took a shower, got dressed and headed out the door. About a minute later Tyler got a message. He looked down at his phone
Spooky Jishwa ❤️: Bye stay safe fren
Tyjo: ok I will... Dork
Tyler put down his phone and sighed. He'd be alone for the next few hours. He groaned and stretched himself out on the couch
"Im booooooooored" He groaned to himself.
Josh had only left five minutes ago.
He stood up and decided to look around Josh's apartment. He went into Josh's room. Tyler searched through all the drawers. He quickly found the gun that Josh had so rudely taken away from him a few days ago. He didn't mind in all honesty so he left it where it was, knowing it was in safe keeping. He looked through Josh's closet and found a bunch of clothes, most of which without sleeves since Josh just loved to show of his tattoos and strong arms. He closed the door to the closet and layed on Josh's bed. It was warm and comfortable. He would've fallen asleep but something caught his eye outside the window of Josh's apartment. He went over to the window and looked down at the parking lot.
Tyler's heart began to race. They were here.
The police had arrived. Tyler closed the blinds and panicked, hoping he wasn't seen by the police men still in the car.
He pulled out his phone
Spooky Jishwa❤️: What?! What is it???
Spooky Jishwa❤️: whos here? What are you talking about???
Spooky Jishwa❤️: oh shit im coming I'll be there in a few minutes just get your gun and hide in the bathroom. DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR
Tyler turned off his phone and did as Josh ordered. He grabbed the gun and hid in the bathroom, locking the door to that too.
Tyler's assumption was correct. The police had gotten reports that a wanted criminal was living in this apartment complex. They were going door to door and searching every apartment. Tyler, fortunately, was on the second floor so it'd take a while for the police to reach them. Nonetheless Tyler was still filled with panic. He heard a knock at the door. Tyler's heart sank, he was ready to break down in tears but the fear of getting heard and arrested kept him silent. The door unlocked, he heard foot steps approaching. Another knock, this time at the bathroom door. Tears began tk run down his cheeks. An unexpected voice was heard.
"Tyler it's me. The cops are still checking down stairs."
Tyler unlocked the door and wrapped his arms around Josh and hugged tight.
"Oh thank god it's you Josh! I was so scared I thought I was going to jail!" Josh wiped away Tyler's tears with the back of his hand and hugged Tyler
"It's not over yet Ty, the cops are still coming. We need a plan and quick."
Tyler sighed "I don't think we can do anything. I'm goin' to jail."
"No you're not Tyler. I've kept you safe this long, I don't plan on just handing you over to them."
"So how are you gonna do it then Mr. Action Hero?"
"I'm gonna let them in. You hide behind the kitchen counter. Hopefully, they'll check my room first since that makes most sense. When they do. We Run." Tyler was a little shocked. He didn't think Josh would go that far just for him. It amazed him. He nodded in agreement to the plan. "What happens if they don't check your room first though?"
Josh paused. He looked at Tyler and noticed the gun in his pocket. Tyler followed Josh's glare and realized what he was thinking. "I can't. No way in hell am I doing that Josh."
Josh sighed. "Who said you would do it?" Josh was fully prepared to do whatever it took to keep his best friend safe. He felt like it was his duty now to protect him. Tyler hated the idea of killing another person. He held onto the gun "We're not going to hurt anyone Josh."
Josh sighed "Yeah, you're right. Sorry."
He went to his room and grabbed a hoodie and put it on so he could hide himself once they left. He went back over to Tyler "When they get here you have to stay ca-"
Knock knock.
Tyler nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Here we go Tyler..."
Tyler hid behind the kitchen counter just as Josh had told him.
The cops knocked again, this time much harder. They were clearly impatient.
Josh went over to the door and opened "Hello officer." The officer was a tall buff man. He didn't look like a very fast runner. This encouraged Josh. Tyler remained silent and fearful behind the counter.
Josh spoke calmly "What do you need?"
The officer sounded tired and bored. "We're checking the apartment complex for a man named Tyler Joseph, have you ever heard of him or seen him?" The officer held up a picture of Tyler. Josh shook his head and gave a convincing lie "Never seen him in my life"
The officer shook his head "Yeah well, we still have to check for so shitty reason so step aside."
Josh did as ordered and stepped aside, standing close to the counter, close enough so that he was in the view of his terrified friend. The sight of Josh looking confident made Tyler slightly less afraid. The police man went straight in the direction of the bed room just as hoped. Josh went to Tyler and whispered "Come on" He took Tyler's hand and sneaked out the front door. Once they did, the running began. They ran as fast as they could to Josh's car. Josh hopped in the drivers seat and Tyler into the passengers seat. Josh hit the gas as hard as he could and they were gone.

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