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Tyler and Josh woke up roughly around the same time. Tyler had aches in obvious places but he didn't care all that much. They got up and put on the same clothes they had yesterday since it was the only clothes they had now.
Josh went down to the car to get food and blankets for them so that their lives in the treehouse would feel cozier. He handed Tyler canned meat and a can opener and ate his own food. It didn't taste good but they would have to get used to it.
"So Josh" Tyler said after eating his gross canned meat, "what do you wanna do for fun?"
"I uh... don't know" Josh hadn't thought about what they'd do for entertainment, only how they'd survive. "we could do what we did last night again."
"No thanks, I'm still in pain."
"I've got nothin honestly."
They both sighed, Tyler stared out the window while Josh looked up at the ceiling. Tyler looked around the forest floor and caught a blur of red and blue. He immediately ducked out of instict.
"what? What is it?" Josh became nervous.
Tyler peeked out the window again "Oh... Nothing... Just birds..." He sighed out of relief.
"You seem really jumpy? Are you okay?"
Tyler nodded "Y-Yeah just... I'm fine, really."
Josh didn't believe him at all "You sure? You can tell me anything Ty, I won't judge."
He sighed "I'm just scared...  that's all"
Josh went over to Tyler and held him in his arms "I am too honestly..." he sighed, Tyler leaned into Josh's warm embrace and smiled.
"At least I'm not the only one... What are we gomna do if they catch us?"
"nothing really. We'll just accept our fate. Life in jail, maybe execution. Maybe we'll die while in jail, who knows." The thought of jail made a chill go up Tyler's spine. He didn't say a word for a while.
"I hate this."
"Hate what?"
"Living in this treehouse. Living in general."
"Tyler! Don't say that! You're scaring me."
Tyler sighed "Sorry for being honest with you." He pushed himself away from Josh and sat in the corner.
"Come on Ty" Josh sat next to him "Please don't be this way. I don't know what I would do without you."
Tyler sighed again "I need something to take my mind off things."
"Maybe we can just go for a walk? We can walk around the forest, it could be nice."
Tyler shook his head "Someone could see us"
Josh groaned a little "Tyler, you can't just live in fear. We're in the middle of a forest, who's gonna see us?"
Tyler refused "I don't like the forest anyway... it's creepy."
"Well then we're stuck here with nothing to do." Josh sprawled himself out of the floor and groaned. He hated being bored. He would use his phone but the boys had both agreed on throwing away their phones so they wouldn't get tracked. He truly had nothing to do.
Tyler began to hum a happy tune which slowly grew to singing.
"I can't take them on my own, my own. Oh, I'm not the one you know, you know. I have killed a man and all I know is I am on the run and go..." He sighed. Everything had felt amazing and wonderful yesterday yet somehow today both boys felt hopeless and lost. They didn't care what would happen to them. Jail or death, they were fine with it at this moment.
"Should we just turn ourselves in?"
"I'd rather die than do that."' Tyler folded his arms.
"Ya know what Tyler? I'm just gonna nap, and you should too. Maybe I'll wake up at home and this will all be a bad dream." Josh was clearly upset. He was tired of negativity and sorrow. He laid on his side and dozed off.
Now Tyler was alone. All his thoughts to himself. He laid next to Josh and sighed. Tyler then felt a lump in his pocket. He sat up and pulled the object out. He looked down at it. He looked over at Josh.
He chocked back tears.
"Josh... Zack... I'm so sorry."


Josh jolted awake and looked around to see Tyler. No. What's left of him. Josh broke down.
"TYLER! NO!" He held onto his cold limp hand. "I NEED YOU! I NEED YOU TO STAY!" He sobbed and yelled. He noticed something in Tyler's other hand. He picked up the same deadly metal object and pointed at himself.
"I'm coming Ty"


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