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I was in disbelief and briefly lost my ability to speak. James and I looked at each other for a moment. He came near me and placed his cheek on mine. I inhaled his familiar scent and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Wow! you look divine, Carly." he said. I instantly felt my face reddened. I looked down to hide my embarrassment.

"Thanks." I managed.

"Congratulations for tonight! It seems to be going really well." James exclaimed.

"Yes, I can't believe it. A lot of people turned up. I have to thank you for that. It is you who made this possible." I replied.

"No, all of this is because of you." James said as he placed his hand on my arm.

I shook my head lightly, "Thank you. But how did you do this?" I asked him.

"I didn't do anything, really. I just happen to know Jane and she's a lovely lady. Also, she's very willing to help. I told her not to tell you that I was also involved in this. Well, I think you wouldn't accept my help." he explained.

I smiled. He really is one of the most genuine and kindest persons I've met in my life. I've never felt more in awe. It was indeed a night full of surprises and emotions. Suddenly, Eris came up behind and startled me.

"Hey, Carly. Dr. Jefferson was looking for you." I turned to her and she looked to the person I was talking to. Her mouth  literally hung opened.

"Oh my freaking gosh!"she exclaimed, without removing her stare at James.

"Hi, I'm James. I believe you are Eris?" James offered his hand. Eris was momentarily immovable. I nudged her side and she took James' hand. "No way, I mean, yes.. I'm Eris. Carly's best friend. Woah! You really are James, I mean, James McAvoy.. The James McAvoy."

"Eris, yes. You were saying?" I turned her to me. "Right, Dr. Jefferson, he's looking for you. He's over there." Eris said as she pointed the white-haired man in a silver colored suit at the far end of the room. I turned to James, "Hey, I need to talk to someone. I'll be right back."

"Sure, no problem." he replied.

I grabbed Eris and walked away from James. But before I could walk towards Dr. Jefferson, Eris pulled me aside. "Carly?! What is he doing here? I mean, did you invite him? How did he know about this? What else are you not telling me? I need answers!" She was frantic as a wasp caught in a trap. "Calm yourself Eris. I didn't invite him. Mrs. Dawson did, they know each other. Apparently, he also helped in planning this event." I explained.

"Oh gosh, Carly. You are in big trouble." Eris said. But before I could ask what she meant. Dr. Jefferson approached and congratulated me.

A lot of people came up to me and talked to me about how significant this advocacy is. Numerous personalities offered their help and support for the foundation. There were also a couple of reporters covering the event and I was interviewed briefly about it. It was kind of exhausting for me because I am not used to these kinds of events so I decided to go out of the hall to get some time to breathe. When I was already alone I felt relieved. I stood for a couple of minutes outside when someone called me.

"Would you mind if I join you here?" I turn around and saw James holding a glass of champagne. "Uh, sure." I replied. "I was kind of overwhelmed with the volume of people inside. I just need some time." James nodded. "How do you do that?" I asked him. 

"Do what?" he returned

"Being with lots of people all the time. Attending these types of events and talking to people you never really know." I explained. 

"It's part of what I do. I like talking to people about my work. But you know, I rarely like to attend events if I'm not actually involved in it. Let me tell you something, it'd be easier if you just think of why you're here. Don't think about what you should be doing instead if you were not here talking to random people." he snickered. 

"So, that's the secret. I'll keep that in mind." I smiled.

After a few minutes we got inside and a lady approached us. She's one of the press people covering the event. She started asking us questions.  "Hey, James what drew you to help RISE foundation? I see you're with Dr. Carly Henderson. Do you know each other?"

"Uh..yeah. This cause is great! I think mental health issues need more attention and I believe that RISE and this lady right here does great things to make improvements with its current state." he said. I was about to leave him with the reporter when she turned to me and asked,

"Dr. Henderson, how did you met James McAvoy?" 

"Well... I.. we.. met way before I started RISE and he has been very supportive about the cause. He's generous and helpful, really." I said. James nudged me and said a silent thanks. 

"You two look good together. James, is it true that you and you're girlfriend have broken up?" The interviewer pried. James just smiled and said, "I just came to support this good cause, okay?"

He excused himself and went to talk to a couple of people. I was called and informed that I'm about to give my closing message. I thanked all the people present and those who pledged to help the foundation. I especially mentioned James and Mrs. Dawson. Although I couldn't find James in the crowd. After everybody has left the venue Eris came to me.

 "Hey, that was quite a night. Are you alright?" she asked. "Yeah, just a little tired." I replied. 

"I'll just get a cab so you can go back to your apartment & rest." Eris said.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked. "Yes, of course. You take care." she said as she hugged me. 

After we parted, I walked down the hotel lobby and waited for a cab. A black sedan stopped in front of me and the window of the passenger seat lowered. "Can I give you a ride home?" James asked. I hesitated for a moment because I wasn't very comfortable with the idea of being in the car with him. "No, it's fine. I already asked for a cab. Anyway, thanks for offering James." I smiled and hoped he wouldn't insist. But he replied, "I insist. It's not even in the slightest right to leave you there. Besides, it's really late and I know you're tired." I nearly smiled to myself because of his response. I know I cannot argue with him because he was right so I opened the door and got inside his car.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He really has the ability to make people feel comfortable. We talked about how he finds my city amazing with the food and weather. He asked me about my work and we chatted until I found us in front of my apartment building. "Thank you so much, James." I looked at him in the eye. "It was just a ride home, you know." he snickered. "Not just for the ride home, I mean for all your help in making this night possible." "Don't mention it." He smiled. I got out of the car and waited for him to pull out of the driveway before I got inside. 

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