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"I've decided to come with you to South Africa." I told Henry. His eyes lit up and he beamed. "Great! I'm so glad you agreed."

After a few weeks, I found myself in a plane bound for South Africa. It was difficult leaving behind everything I've built. But I realized that this is what I needed—a fresh start.

When we arrived, I took in the newness of the surroundings. For the first time in a long time, I felt calm and relaxed. Henry helped me look for an apartment not too far from where he lives. The people were warm and welcoming. It wasn't too hard for me to adjust since Henry was there to help me all the way. He was the closest family I could ever get in this unfamiliar territory.

Henry and I were walking home one night when he asked me, "Uh, Carly, do you have any plans this weekend?" I thought before answering, "Nothing in particular. Why?" He cleared his throat before saying, "Would you like to come with me to Hermanus? I just thought that since whale watching season is here, maybe it's the perfect time for you to see more of South Africa."

"Sure. That sounds interesting. I actually haven't seen a whale." I chuckled.

"Good, you'll love it."

That weekend was the best weekend I've had so far since I came here. The South African coast was majestic in every way. I was in awe with the beauty of the place; the blue waters, mountainous landscape and the sunny weather. Henry was right, I loved whale watching. There's something about seeing creatures different from you in every way, breathing, living, without a care in the world. Looking at them leaping from the water, free, and alive makes me think about how I have the choice and control over my own life like them. I can leap and be free, free from the past, from the hurt.

Henry and I were walking on the shore after whale watching. He abruptly stopped so I looked at him. He looked at me and I felt his uneasiness. "Carly, I just... I say something."

"What's it?" He held on to my hands, "I know that until now you are still on the process of healing yourself. I don't know if what I'm about to say could make things worse. But here goes nothing." he inhaled deeply,

"I've always liked you." I was flustered with his admission. "But know that I don't expect you to say anything or do anything. I just, I cannot really contain it any-" I reached for his lips and kissed it gently. He kissed me back, slowly. When we part, we were both smiling. "I like you too, Henry." 

The following weeks Henry and I have gotten closer. He's sweet and caring. He made me feel secure and content. When I told Eris what happened between Henry and I she said, "Oh, gosh Carly! How oblivious can you be? Henry likes you way back when you were just friends." I tried thinking through Eris' comment. "I didn't notice. Maybe, I was not really looking." I said. "Uhuh...I mean, you know Henry's a good man. You have my blessing." I chuckled. "It's as if I needed it."

On the night of my first year in South Africa, Henry took me out to dinner. "You looked lovely, Carly." he complimented. We have been dating for five months now. I love that we both like the same things and think almost alike. He's smart, sensible, and a great conversationalist. As we talk under the candle light, I looked at his face and remembered what Eris said and how he became the person I needed during the times I've been despondent. I knew that his feelings for me are genuine so when he said that he loved me that night, I responded, "I love you too." And I truly loved him with everything that I could give. So when I let him in my room, he started kissing me, his lips touching every inch of me, caressing my body with gentleness and passion. Every sensation felt new to me. I groaned as pleasure enveloped my whole body.

It was the happiest days I have ever had in a long time. We would take trips and see the beauty of South Africa every now and then. Whenever we were not out exploring the place we were doing the most mundane things and it still felt special. I never prepared myself for what happened next. 

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