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After hearing those words from her everything she told me after didn't make sense. My head was spinning and I suddenly felt nauseous. My body was shaking. I tried recalling what she said after we hung up. She told me that it wasn't serious. It was just a football injury but she did not mention or I wasn't able to pick up what kind of injury. James told her to tell me that he was okay because James left his phone at her house before he went to the game. She said that James was alright and just needs to rest his right leg for a week or so. She insisted that I should not worry so much and that James will call me as soon as he can. But I could hardly think straight and I really wanted to be sure he's okay. I dialed Eris' number and after a few rings, she picked up "Hey, what's up?" she asked. "Eris, I need your help. Can you book me a flight to London now?" "What? Are you serious? It's like eleven o'clock in the evening. Why would you wanna go to London?" she asked. "It's James. He met an accident in London today. That's why I must to go there." The urgency in my voice was apparent even if I tried to hide it. "Oh my gosh, what happened?" "His sister called me, she said it wasn't serious, just a football injury." I don't know but it's as if I was trying to convince myself instead of Eris. "Okay.. I'll try to get you a flight right now. Are you sure about this? Can you just go in the morning?" She asked. "You know I won't be able to function normally if I cannot be sure he's okay." "Okay then." she sighed. "I'll be there in a few minutes." then she hung up.

I packed my things and was frantically shoving stuff inside my suitcase without thinking. I heard the door and opened it, Eris and I hugged each other and went inside. She helped me sort my things and told me she found a flight to London at two o'clock in the morning. "Thank you so much, Eris. I don't know what to do without you." I forced myself to smile.

We were driving to the airport when I remembered that my classes and appointments tomorrow will be affected by my sudden trip. Eris volunteered to call my secretary to tell her to cancel my appointments. The remaining problem was my classes, I was thinking of who to call at this hour then I remembered Dr. Walters. I was thinking twice before hitting the call button on my phone but I'm desperate so I pressed it, hoping that he'll pick up. After a number of rings he picked up. "Hello, Dr. Henderson?" He cleared his throat. "Hi, Dr. Walters. I'm so sorry for disturbing you at this hour but I really need your help." He seemed to have sensed the urgency in my voice." "No, it's fine. What's it about?" "I.. uh, I have an emergency right now and I won't be able to attend my classes tomorrow. I think I'll be gone in a few days, is it possible that you cover up for me while I'm gone?" It took him a while to respond. "Uhm, yeah sure.. Are you alright?" He asked. "Yes, I'm fine. No need to worry about me. I'll talk to Dr. Coulson tomorrow morning and I'll explain to him everything. Thank you very much Dr. Walters." "Don't mention it. I hope everything's fine with you..". I let out a sigh as soon as we hung up.

My mind was still racing by the possible injuries he had and it made me feel more anxious. I sat in the plane and tried very hard to sleep but I can't. My nerves won't just shut down. I thought of ordering a drink but I dismissed the idea very quickly as it came. The flight felt lengthier than it should be. I can't help but to look at my watch every minute or so and it made me feel worse. When we finally landed at Heathrow Airport I called Joy and asked her James' address. She told me the address of his apartment but she told me how difficult it will be for me to get a cab so she told me to wait for a while. She called me after a few minutes and told me that she sent someone to pick me up. I found the driver who was holding a placard with my name on it. He helped me with my luggage and we went to James' apartment. I was fidgeting all the way. As soon as we stopped in front of the apartment I went out of the cab and thanked the driver. I knocked and Joy opened the door. Maybe, she saw my bloodshot eyes or my distraught appearance because she wrapped her arms around me. "Hello, it's so good to finally meet you." she smiled. I forced myself to return a smile "Me too. But I didn't imagine it to be like this. How is he?" I asked. I heard him calling out, "Ey, Joy who's there?" Joy didn't respond but she motioned me to go to James' room. I thanked her and hugged her again. When I opened the door to his room his eyes lit up and he tried to stand, instantly his face contorted in pain. "Carly! What are you doing here?" I told him to stop moving and came to him on the other side of the bed. "I was worried sick I know I have to see you to be sure you're okay." I wrapped my arms around him. He lift up my face and kiss me gently on the lips. I sat beside him and he told me that he slipped and cracked his ankle but the fracture isn't serious although he needs to be on crutches for a few weeks. "Then how about your commitments?" I asked. "I called my agents. They told me they'll take care of it. How about you? You didn't have to come here. I know you can't just leave your work."

"Don't worry about it. I already made arrangements. Right now, I just want to be with you. You can't just go around here on crutches."

"But, how about the-" I didn't let him finish. I straightened and said, "You are far more important than anything to me right now. I cannot just sit at home thousands of miles away and not knowing what happened to you." He looked at me and smiled. "I love you, Carly." My insides melted as he said those words. "I love you too, James."

The following day, I helped him get around the house. I assisted him in getting up and going to the bathroom. I'd cook for us both and eat together. On the third day I accompanied him to the doctor. I could tell that he was forcing his foot to step normally whenever I assisted him because I could see him wince. After going to the doctor I'd help him with the exercises the physical therapist told him to do. Then, at night we would watch a movie or football game, read a book, or just talk to each other. Little by little, James got better. He's able to move his foot without wincing in pain.

I called the office and the university to explain my unnotified leave of absence. Dr. Coulson understood and Dr. Walters was also a real help.

At the end of the week, as we were having breakfast my phone buzzed. It was Riley, my secretary. She informed me that the center's biggest donor plans to discontinue his help for the foundation if I don't push through with the meeting that was postponed due to my unexpected trip. After we talked James sensed that something was bothering me. Even if I wanted to tell him everything's fine, my face probably gave off the real situation. So I settled to tell him the truth. He looked at me with understanding in his eyes, he took my hand and said, "You know I wouldn't like to inconvenience you. And I know you have huge responsibilities back home. You should go." I shook my head. "I'll think of a way. I can talk to Mr. Johnson over the phone or via video conference." He squeezed my hand. "Carly, listen. I am more than grateful that you chose to be here with me. Honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way. But I am more capable now of looking after myself than the previous days, thanks to you. You do what you need to do." I look at his eyes, pale blue this time, I knew he meant it. I sighed. "Promise me that you will be fine." I tell him. "Promise, I won't do anything stupid this time." We both smiled. "I might need to clothe you in bubble wrap or something." I said. "Not necessary. I won't go anywhere." he said. "If something happens to you while I'm gone I swear McAvoy I'm going to kill you." he laughed this time.

That afternoon I started packing my bags. I told Riley that I'll be back in the office the next day. It was not what I really wanted to do but it was something I needed to do. I'm just glad that James understood. James walked me to the front door. I turned and looked at him. "Take care, love." he said. I smiled, " You're seriously telling me that? I'm not the one in crutches." I laughed. He looked hurt or he was trying to. I chuckled, "I'm kidding...Thank you, love." I reached to him and kissed him gently on the lips. He returned my kiss and when we part, a fraction of me wanted to stay. So before I could change my mind, I took my suitcase and went out. Before I get inside the cab I called out to him, "I'll see you soon."  

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