Yandere Demon Male Reader x Wonder Woman

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A/N: requested by NiallHeffernan. Enjoy.

You were a very powerful demon, the most powerful demon in the universe. Some would say your power is even higher than that of raven's father, trigon. Others could also say that you make Aries look like a pansy......these were true. You were more superior to trigon and Aries would nearly cower once you were in his presence. Speaking of which right now you had just gotten through kicking the living dog shit out of Aries and his entire army after they had attacked earth. But that's not why you showed up. You showed up because Aries said that now that he had the power of all the gods (or something like that) he could even beat you. You certainly proved him wrong. You had your foot slammed Down on his head as he was on his hands and knees.

(Y/N): so then Aries, did you think having the power of Gods made any difference for you.

Aries: l..l.....lord (Y/N), my words were not true. I did not mean to say such things.

(Y/N): did you now? You seemed to show a lot a price when saying it.

You then pulled Aries up by his hair.

(Y/N): here's something to keep you up at night. The day your life comes to it's final end will be the day I devour your soul. Remember that. Now then, be gone from my sight.

With a simple wave of your hand, you swatted Aries miles away from you.

(Y/N): such a fool he is.

You then looked over and saw the Amazons who were fighting Aries' army. Among them was one who would always get your attention the most. The one known as Diana or wonder woman as she's called by most people. Your not sure why but the day you first saw her was the day you had felt a new emotion that you weren't sure what it was. It had been almost like a sickness to you. Without saying a world to any of the Amazons, you opened a portal back to your realm and left. After all the time sitting in your realm, the feeling kept growing and growing and it was getting pestering for you.

(Y/N): gggrrr! This damn feeling. What the hell could it be?!

It took a lot a pain stalking hours until something finally hit you. You smirked.

(Y/N): so then......that's what this emotion is.........in that case......


You had let this new feeling consume you. What was the feeling? It was obsession. Which now made you think of one thing when it happened. Get Diana. And get her you did. At first You despatched of easier people who would get in the way like aquaman.

(Cause you know it's aquaman).

Then you took down the other people would get in your way like batman, superman or Marian man hunter. Now it was just you and wonder woman.

Wonder Woman: you bastard. You killed a all of them! Why?!

(Y/N): you wouldn't believe me if I told you but obsession can do things to someone. Especially a demon like me.

Wonder Woman: gggrrr! Well then if your going to kill me the do it!

(Y/N): oh I'm not going to kill you.

You said as you layed her on a bed where she was tied up.

Wonder Woman: wh.....what?!

(Y/N): 😈

You licked your lips and spread her legs.

Wonder Woman: what the hell are you going to me?!

(Y/N): something fun.

The rest of the night, wonder woman's moans. And after that you kept her to yourself in your realm for an eternity.

A/N: next is Yandere Female Merged Zamasu x Male Mutant Reader.

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