X-23 x Male Reader

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A/N: requested by Pridefulfighter210. Enjoy.

You had no idea the situation you were going to be in soon. The daughter/clone of Logan/Wolverine, Laura Kinney or otherwise known as X-23 has seem to have taken a liking to you but it seemed to be too much of a liking. What I mean by that is that she's obsessive over you and you didn't know about it much like a few other things that she never told you. But you didn't have much worry about it right now since you've been spending time with your girlfriend (G/F/N). But that wasn't the case since Laura was watching the both of you right now.

(G/F/N): I had a really nice day today.

(Y/N): yeah so did i.

(G/F/N): I should probably get going before it gets dark.

(Y/N): ok.

You both got and and before (G/F/N) was about to leave she kissed you and you kissed back. This pissed off Laura so much she jumped out of the tree in fury and started to stab and slash the living hell out of (G/F/N) with the blades from her wrists.

(G/F/N): ×_×

(Y/N): 0_0

You started to run away.

(Running in the 90s plays in the background while you do).


You were breathing heavily after all that damn running. You had had just hoped you lost her.

(Y/N): oh think god I think I finally lost her.

Then she showed up landing on her feet right in front of you.

(Y/N): oh for the love of god!

X-23: did you think running would help you get away from me? I have your scent.

(Y/N): yep your Wolverine's daughter alright. -_-

X-23: 🔥_🔥 

(Y/N): uh oh.

You saw two katanas that just happened to be laying around. You grabbed them and got ready for Laura to try and make her moves.

X-23: swords aren't going to help you.

(Y/N): says you. You'll never really know until we find out.

She attacked you but you dodged and swung the katanas at her. She blocked with her blades and tried to cut at you with another blade that was near her feet. You dodged again and took another swings with one katana time and she blocked again but this time she blocked with both hands which gave you an advantage. You quickly rammed the katana in your other hand into Laura's chest and she stumbled back from it as You sliced off one of her arms. You cut at her legs making her fall to her knees.

(Y/N): you brought this on yourself.

You then decapitate her and started to walk off.


It had been three days since you killed Laura and you finally felt like that you were rid of her. But that wasn't the case unfortunately.

(Y/N):"sigh" it's great to be free from that psycho woman. Thank god she's gone.

X-23: I beg to differ.

You were stabbed in the leg by Laura and saw that she as alive. You forgot that since she's Wolverine's clone/daughter she also has the healing factor.

(Y/N): ah shit!

X-23: that was a nice attempt at killing me but it still failed. But I'll tell you one thing.

She said as her blades went deeper into your leg.

X-23: it fucking hurt like hell!

(Y/N): ah fuck you bitch.

X-23: that's what I'll have you doing.

She then knocked you out and walked off with your body back with her and fucked You....or more of forced you to fuck her.

A/N: next is Lady Loki x Male Reader.

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