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Miles's POV

We're currently at the Toronto Pearson International Airport getting ready for the Northern Ireland flight. We had to drive more than half an hour from Toronto to Mississauga just to get here! It's sad that there is only 6 of us going, because earlier in the show, Vanessa broke her ankle. Since we had no replacements, this is how we ended up.

"Okay, now I'm feeling nervous about this trip," Alya says with worry. "I know I did the right thing to not go on the Da Boheme tour, but this trip, it's making me even more nervous, even if all 6 of us will be performing once there! If I ever screw up, it's all gonna be on me just because I became famous."

"It's gonna be fine, besides, you don't have to perform constantly," Jax assures Alya. 

"Thank, Jackson, but we're going to Europe, which is kinda far away from Canada."

"Don't stress, Alya. All we're gonna do for the ride there is catch an airplane to Dublin, then take the train to Belfast." Kit says. 

"Okay, I think I might be less stressed about the train ride than the plane ride."

Now that Alya, Jax, and Kit's conversation is over, we all went to check-in. 

Carly's POV

I can't believe that we're going to Belfast! I mean, Ireland is a new place for me, so I don't really know it that well, but I know we're gonna enjoy the trip. A few minutes ago, I heard Alya, Jax, and Kit's conversation about one of them doing some sort of "right thing to leave a tour, but this trip might get me even more nervous" thing. Right now, I'm listening to this amazing song on my headphones, so that way, nobody can hear it because they might not like it. 

Yes, I know "Scars to your Beautiful" can be "kiddish" for some, but in my opinion, I think it's really empowering. Wait a minute, I'm alone! Everyone else began to head to check-in, and they left me behind! I started to run to catch up to them, suddenly tripping myself on the floor because the song was playing. They noticed immediately, so they helped me get up, and Jax told me to "lose the headphones". I didn't want to, but he made me.  

Kit's POV

I was assuring Alya that this trip is gonna be awesome, but she just keeps getting even more nervous as we moved forward. And, Carly just tripped out of nowhere... with headphones on! I didn't know what song she was listening to, until I recognized the image on her phone. It was "Scars to your Beautiful", a song in which practically everyone at Keaton knows. 

Right now, the team is finished with check-in, so we went in line to security check, without our luggage. Thank goodness that procedure was only fifteen minutes, because let's be honest, we have quick feet. All of the other lines were just really slow that it got us relieved. 

After that, we just enjoyed buying some stuff & eating at some awesome restaurants. Here's a list of what each of us bought for the trip from certain shops:

Miles - headphones, hat, and sweater that says "I Love Toronto" (all from Toronto's Greatest)

Carly - beanie, pink shirt, ugly holiday sweater (beanie & shirt were from Clothes Unlimited, ugly holiday sweater was from SEASONAL GIFTS)

Alya - photo of the North Star Lodge, a few magazines, guitar pick (photo was from Future Destinations, magazines were from Toronto Life, guitar pick from MUSICIAN LIFE)

I personally hate magazines, but with Alya, there's no going back. She was one of the few people who didn't buy clothes! Personally, her wardrobe selection is a bit casual, but mostly modest. 

Jax - just a blue set of headphones & earbuds just in case he loses them (Toronto's Greatest)

Denzel - mini canvases, paintbrushes, samplers (Artists Design) 

Me - Headphones, ripped jeans, new toque! (all from Rebellion Canada) 

We even ate a lot before we settled down, where we got a view of airplanes taking off! We usually ate at this place called Eating Light Cafe; the food and drinks there are choice. Don't worry, it's not a bar & grill, although they do grill burgers often. On the TV, they usually played sports programs, but since it was a Friday, they played a playlist of all things Friday, even this show from the UK called "Friday Download"! The playlist was amazing, but it was sad to realize that we only had 30 minutes to eat.

After that, we all settled down on the chairs for one hour. Since it was nighttime, we could barely see the planes. Luckily, the trip adviser called all of our parents to give the OK to go on a flight without them at night, and all of them said okay! I'm just super proud. Wait a minute, the flight doesn't start until 10:00! I'm now letting someone else take over these POVs. I basically had enough for now.

Denzel's POV

Wow, I can't believe I'm going on a flight without my parents! They never appreciated my hard work anyway. We're just a short time away from boarding, and I'm feeling the tension! I bought several stuff to keep me company while on the plane & in the Lodge, and I'm mostly an artist/designer, so it wasn't that hard to find anything in the airport mall. The tension is building up, but I need to do some calculations on what time of the day we'll actually be at the Lodge.

Ireland is 5 hours ahead of us, so let me do the math:

If we start the flight at 10:00, the time there is 3:00 am. If the flight lasts 6 hours & 30 minutes, it would be 4:30 am here & it'd be 9:30 there. So, we'll probably arrive at the North Star around the afternoon, counting the train ride from Dublin to Belfast. 

Man, I can't believe I did all of that mental math! Wait a minute, the announcement was about the Dublin flight boarding! Well, gotta stop & board the plane! 

"I can't believe this, we're a couple of steps away from the North Star Lodge!" Carly screams with excitement. I can't believe that she would embarrass us like that when we're not even on the plane yet!

"Uh, Carly, we have at least many more hours before we actually get there", Miles says. 

"Great, you spoiled my mood."

Well, enough of all that sorrow! We're already inside the plane with our boarding passes! Time to fly!

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