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Denzel's POV

Man, it's almost Christmas at the North Star! This is super amazing because I've never been out of Canada for Christmas. The closest I've been to going out of Canada is Minnesota, when I was four. My family doesn't travel much, so it's kind of sad. If we did travel often, I would open up my mind a little bit more. But, I have art & design, and that's more than enough! One of my wishes is to share my open-minded knowledge with the world...

 But, I have art & design, and that's more than enough! One of my wishes is to share my open-minded knowledge with the world

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Great, I thought. Carly ruined my daydream.

If she didn't disturb me, lost in my own thoughts, I would've transported myself into my own art world. 

"Why did you have to disturb me?"

"We need to rehearse for our final day performance!"

"Ugh, fine, but I swear, I'll not sing."

"You don't have to sing! I'll tell Patrick you can be part of the production crew."

"Production?! Okay, I'm in with the behind-the-scenes crew!"

"Great! I'll tell him immediately."

After that, me & Carly ran to the main room, telling Mr. Hart I'll be part of the production crew.

"Mr. Hart, I'd like to be part of the production crew of this performance."

"Are you sure you can't sing or dance?"

"Of course, I can't sing or dance."

"Fine; you can be part of the production crew."

"Really?! Thanks!"

All right, I'm super excited for this performance now. 

Alya's POV

So, there is this performance in the final day of our stay. I decided to sing lead, while... okay, I'll make a list of who's doing what.


Me = lead singer

Miles = guitar & recurring singer

Jax = beat & drums

Kit = piano

Carly = dancer and cameo singer (Trust me, she can sing. I saw some of her covers & she's so good.)

Denzel = production crew

I wish I got the guitar part, but obviously, Miles has got it on lock. Yes, me & him both play the guitar, so as a compromise, both of us could play, but that's not possible. Denzel is super lucky to be part of the production crew, because he won't rehearse constantly! The problem is, he might have to pick up a heavy camera frequently, but I hope we film it via smartphone. They're super lightweight. 

Kit's POV

Great, I thought. I'll be playing the stupid piano for the performance. I just want to make the beat of the song, but Jax has it already! My parents decided to give me piano & vocal lessons, but I'd never pay attention. My heart is obviously on making my own beats, so I don't have to sing all the time; I'd be accompanying the person who is singing! If I'm ever forced to sing, I swear, I'll break something.

"Hey, Kit! Guess what; you don't have to sing at all!"

"Yes, I know, I'll never sing for some performance!"

"Yep, you'll just be playing the piano, but if Mr. Hart decides that the majority of us will sing, I'll tell him you'll be creating the beat of the song." (by the way, that was Miles.)

"Thanks, Miles, but I'm sure he'll reject your offer, anyway."

"Sometimes, it never hurts to try."

"Fine, I'll try to get out of my comfort zone & take a risk; I'll sing."

"Great! I'll tell him."

If his plan works, I'll officially sing for the video. I can't wait to see how the final product turns out. Scarlett & the rest of Keaton'll be super proud because I'm at least doing something other than production. 

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