Chapter 1

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Suka Mayato; the prettiest girl, yet also the scariest girl in school, loved sports more than anything. Especially volleyball. She had played it ever since she was in 3rd grade.

Her first day of high school at Karasuno just ended, and she was now searching for the gym to see if she could practice some volleyball in an actual gym instead of in her backyard.

Suka was looking down at the floor plan of Karasuno, when she bumped into a tall figure. She fell backwards and dropped all of her books.

She looked up to see what careless person almost ran her right over. She saw a black haired boy looking back at her with a startled expression.

Suka's eyes widened. That was the King of the Court, Tobio Kageyama! I see he hasn't changed from the rude and arrogant setter he was in middle school, She thought to herself. Although she didn't go to the same middle school as Kageyama, she watched many of his school's games because her friends brothers played on the same team as he did.

"Watch where you're going next time." Suka said as she picked all of her books up and glared at Kageyama before turning around and walking toward the gym.

How could I get scolded by someone who's a whole ruler shorter than me? Kageyama thought to himself. He ran after Suka and once he caught up to her, stood right before her.

"Don't you think that was a little rude?" he asked Suka as he looked down at her angrily.

"Like I care. Beat it, King." she replied carelessly and walked around him. 

Kageyama stopped in his tracks and stared down at Suka furiously.

"Where the hell did you hear that nickname from?!?!!?" Kageyama yelled at her.

"Yell at me like that again and you wont be alive to see the sun rise tomorrow." Suka said, clenching her fists.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it? Huh, short-"

Before Kageyama could finish his sentence, Suka tackled him and shoved him into the wall as hard as she could, knocking the air out of him. She grabbed his collar and pulled it down so that he was down at her height. Their faces were inches apart when she said "Don't ever call me short again, or the consequences will be worse. Understood?" with the deadliest expression. Kageyama gulped and quickly nodded his head in fear.

"That's what I thought." she replied, and pushed him onto the wall again. She looked down at her watch and noticed it was getting late. She gave up with finding the gym and decided to go home. Kageyama stared at her in disbelief, as she walked away.

The next day when she got to school, everyone in the halls turned to look at Suka. They would whisper things like "She's so short" which would earn them a deadly glare. Some people would say things like "She's so cute, I wonder if she's single." which Suka simply pretended she didn't hear.

She walked into her first class and noticed Kageyama sitting behind the only empty seat left. Great, Suka thought to herself. She sat down and opened her textbook, and totally zoned out from the lesson taking place. Suka realized she's made an arch nemesis, but hadn't made any friends at Karasuno yet, and it was already the second day! Before she knew it, the bell rang and it was time for her next class.

What the hell?!?! Class started like 2 minutes ago! How long did I zone out for???? Suka thought to herself.

She shook her head, remembering what she was thinking about. Make friends!!! Suka internally yelled at herself. With out thinking, she looked over to the boy beside her and blurted out, "Hi! My name is Suka Mayato, what's your name?"

The orange haired boy looked back at her with a startled expression, but then smiled. "I'm Hinata Shouyou, it's nice to meet you!" he replied.

Suka Mayato from KarasunoWhere stories live. Discover now