Chapter 10

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When they walked onto the court, Oikawa immediately greeted Suka.

"How's my little Suka-chan doing?" he asked playfully.

Suka looked at him angrily.

"Sorry, I meant to say how is my Suka-chan doing?" he corrected himself.

"That's better. And I'm good, how are you?" she replied.

"I'm great! Prepare to be defeated, my good old friend." Oikawa said.

"I wanted to say the same to you..." Suka smirked.

The game began, and Aoba Johsai was winning by an incredible amount. When Oikawa figured out the secret signals that Kageyama and Hinata were using, Kageyama started to panic. Since the team has run out of time-outs to use, Ukai had no choice but to sub Kageyama off.

Although Suka hated him, she felt bad.

"Me and Kageyama are gonna go in the hall for a moment." Suka told Coach Ukai.

He nodded, and Suka grabbed Kageyama's wrist as she stormed out of the gym.

"What are you doing? Let go!" he yelled.

Suka closed the gym door behind her and turned to Kageyama.

"What the hell is up with you? Why did you drag me here?" he scoffed.

"What's going on? You've been on the court this whole game but your mind has been somewhere else! What's wrong?" Suka yelled at him.

"It's none of your business!" He yelled back.

Suka pushed him onto the wall and grabbed the collar to his shirt, just like when they met for the first time at Karasuno.

"Listen up. I'm not one the to talk, but do you even know what it means to be a setter? You're the one who's supposed to cheer the team up, not bring them down. You're the one who's supposed to bring out 100% in every player. I don't care what kind of 'king' you are. If you're going to blame everyone for your mistakes you sure as hell don't deserve that title. And I don't give a damn if you have some sort of rivalry with Oikawa. If you're only doing bad because of him then you better knock some damn sense into yourself and play like you mean it. One player is not going to bring you down. I know you're stronger than this. So when you get back on that damn court, you better play like there's no tomorrow." Suka angrily yelled at him.

Kageyama stood, speechless. Suka let go of his shirt, and started walking back towards the gym.

"For now, just watch how your senpai's play." She said, and walked in the gym.

Kageyama stood in the hall in disbelief. He shook his head and thought, She's right.

He walked back in the gym and sat down on the bench. Karasuno had somehow managed to pull up their points a bit.

As Suka sat down, she noticed that Yamaguchi was about to go on as a pinch server.

"Since when is Yamaguchi a pinch server?" Suka asked.

"He's been working on his jump float for a while now, I'm excited to see it!" Suga replied.

Yamaguchi looked like he was going to pass out. He served the ball, and it floated over the court, but came short and hit the top of the tape line, and dropped.

As he came back onto the bench, Suka congratulated him for effort. "Nice try Yamaguchi, I can guarantee you that you'll get it over next time." she said comfortingly.

This caused him to slightly blush. "Thank you" he replied quietly, and sat down on the end of the bench.

The set went on, but they ended up losing. As all the boys gathered by the bench, Suga and Kageyama started talking aside from where the group conversation was taking place.

After a short chat, the referee blew his whistle, signaling that the second set was about to begin. Karasuno seemed to really improve within 2 minutes, which resulted in them keeping the score balanced. About half way through, Kageyama was subbed on, and Suga came off.

"Go get em, tiger" Suka said, patting Kageyama's back.

He looked over his shoulder and winked.

As Kageyama came on the court, he smiled at his teammates! Or at least... he tried to...

Everyone was shocked that the angry Kageyama was smiling!

Slowly but surely, everyone on Karasuno was steadily improving. The score was close, but they managed to win the second set! Now, it was all up to the boys to win the final set.

As the game went on, rallies got longer and longer. The score was 24-24. Both teams were going up by one, alternatively. Before they knew it, the score was 31-31. Then 32-31 for Seijoh. Kageyama and Hinata had the perfect opportunity to use their freak-quick, but the block somehow knew that they were going to use it, and pin-pointed them.

33-31, Aoba Johsai. End of the match.

The players shook hands, thanked the audience, and headed home.

The next day, all anyone could think about was their devastating loss against Aoba Johsai that took place the previous night. To add to that, the third years would be leaving before the spring prelims, which didn't exactly improve anyone's mood. Suka seemed to be the most upset about this, considering the great friendships she built with Asahi, Suga, and even Daichi. She didn't want to say goodbye to them.

When they got to their practice after school, everyone seemed quite glum. The gym also seemed quite empty, considering that the third years weren't there.

A few minutes later, they came running into the gym.

"You're late!" Tanaka exclaimed.

"Are you guys staying for Spring Prelims?" Nishinoya asked.

Suga sighed. "We're staying."

Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't want to finish Season 1 and start Season 2 in the same chapter. xoxo

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