Chapter 27

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"W-What?" Kuroo replied, tears slowly forming in his eyes.

"You heard me! Get out! We're through!" Suka yelled, and stormed back upstairs.

Kuroo stood in shock. He didn't know what to do. He dropped all of her things on the ground and blankly said, "Goodnight." to Mrs. Mayato, before slamming the door shut and running into the car.

"What happened?" Bokuto asked.

Kuroo started to slowly sob.

"She broke up with me..." he said in between sobs.

Bokuto and Akaashi's eyes widened. "You're joking..." Bokuto said.


Neither Bokuto or Akaashi replied. They drove to Kuroo's house and dropped him off. He left without saying a word.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Bokuto asked.

"I hope so." Akaashi replied.

The next day at school, Suka showed up with tear stained cheeks. She cried all night because of the break up.

"Suka, are you okay?" Hinata asked, from the desk beside her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Suka replied, not looking at him.

"Are you sure?" Hinata asked again.

"Yes I'm truly fine, but thank you for asking." Suka replied.

"Anytime." Hinata replied.

The day went by slower than it ever has for Suka. When she walked in the gym, she sat down on the bench next to Suga who was tying his shoes, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"What's up, Suka?" Suga asked.

Suka sighed before quietly saying, "Me and Kuroo broke up."

Suga jerked up and looked at Suka with a shocked expression.

"What? But you two were so in love! What happened?" Suga cried.

Suka explained everything before adding, "I don't know what I was thinking. He couldn't have possibly known I was kidnapped and almost raped. I was just so upset that it slipped out."

"Shh... Come here. Suga's here for you." he replied, hugging her.

"Hey Suka! Are you okay?" Asahi came and asked.

Suka sighed. "I guess so." she replied.

Asahi smiled. "Suga, can you come toss for me?" he asked.

"Of course." Suga replied.

Asahi smiled again and walked back onto the court.

"Try not to think about it too much. I promise it will get better." Suga said, before joining Asahi.

After a long practice, Suka walked home with Hinata like she always does.

"Hey Suka, do you know what happened to Kuroo? Whenever I text Kenma he says that he wont leave his house and that all he does is sulk. He hasn't gone to school for three days either." Hinata asked, tilting his head to the side.

Suka's eyes widened, but when she noticed Hinata was looking at her, she slightly smiled and replied, "No, I don't know. Sorry."

"Oh, alright. Well, looks like we part ways here, so goodnight." Hinata said, before walking away.

"Goodnight." Suka said, even though she knew Hinata couldn't hear her.

When she got home, she opened her phone to find 14 texts and 23 missed calls from Kuroo, and 9 snaps from Kenma. She chose to ignore Kuroo and open what Kenma sent him. They were all pictures of Kuroo looking upset or playing video games under the covers with the captions, "What did you do to this child? He won't leave my house", or "He hasn't showered or gone to school in three days help me"

Suka sighed. She could tell Kuroo was more upset than she was.

The next day after school, she sat on one of the benches by the vending machine. She was on her phone, looking at all of the cute pictures of her and Kuroo. Tears slowly started to drip down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" someone asked.

Suka looked up from her phone and saw Kageyama standing in front of her with a box of milk in his hand.

"Yeah." Suka replied.

"It doesn't look like it." Kageyama replied, sitting down next to her. He looked at her phone and saw a picture of her and Kuroo baking together, with flour all over their faces.

"Did you two break up?" he asked.

"Yeah." Suka said, and sniffled.

Kageyama put his arm around her shoulder awkwardly and said, "Everything will be okay."

"It's funny when you try to be nice" Suka giggled.

Kageyama stood up angrily.

"Sh-Shut up! I was trying to be a good person!" he replied.

Suka giggled. As she was about to say something, her phone rang.

"Kenma? Hold on, I'm gonna take this call. Give me a minute." Suka said to Kageyama.

"Hello? Suka asked, answering the call.

"Suka, it's an emergency. You need to come here asap. It's been four days since Kuroo has left my house or even showered. He doesn't even speak anymore, he just grunts or makes weird noises. Please save him from this state. You still love him right?" Kenma blurted out.

"Of course I do, but I'm wondering if he still feels the same way..." Suka replied.

"Are you really asking me that? Isn't the answer obvious?" Kenma scoffed.

Suka sighed. "I'll be there in 20 minutes. Bye." she said.

She looked at Kageyama who nodded, showing he understood.

"Have a nice day." Suka said, before walking to her car.

She drove to the address that Kenma texted her, and knocked on the door. The second she stopped knocking, the door swung open revealing a tired looking Kenma. He grabbed Suka's hand and pulled her inside. They stood in the living room behind the couch. Kuroo was sitting on it with a blanket over his head and a controller in his hand. His eyes were glued to the screen.

"Kuroo..." Kenma said.

Kuroo grunted, but kept his eyes on the screen.

"Kuroo, someone's here to see you..." Kenma repeated.

He grunted again.

"Kuroo...?" Suka asked, quietly.

The controller in his hand dropped and he instantly turned around. His eyes widened.

"S-Suka? What are you doing here?" he asked, curiously. He shook his head. "I mean, I don't want to see you. I thought we broke up." Kuroo said.

"Alright, I guess I'll leave then." Suka said, and started walking out of the living room. Kuroo quickly got up and took her hand in his. "Wait, please don't go..." he said, looking at the ground.

"I'll go upstairs and let you two sort this out..." Kenma said, as he started walking away.

"I-I'm sorry. I just suddenly freaked out and ran away. Look. I was kidnapped and almost raped in a shack when I was younger, and what happened with the four of us was really similar to it. The memory couldn't leave my mind and I started crying. I ran away because I didn't want you guys to see me crying. Then once I got home all I could think about was that memory... I never wanted to break up in the first place..." Suka explained.

Kuroo looked at her. He seemed confused at first, but once she finished explaining, he hugged her tightly. Tears of happiness formed in his eyes.

"Do you still love me?" he asked.

"With every ounce of my heart." Suka replied.

Kuroo replied, "I've asked you this once, and I will gladly ask you this a hundred more times. Will you be my girlfriend?"

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