Chapter 36

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The crowd roared as Asahi, Daichi, and Suga started crying from happiness.

Suka sat on the bench with her mouth wide open, unable to move. She slowly stood up and stared at the court, before running onto the court and crushing everyone in a group hug.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" she exclaimed, starting to tear up.

"We couldn't have done it without you, Suka-san!" Nishinoya shouted, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Asahi and Daichi lifted Suka up and onto their shoulders, causing her to collapse into a giggling fit.

"To the real MVP of our volleyball season!" Daichi and Asahi said in unison.

Everyone laughed and applauded, which made Suka cover her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Asahi and Daichi both put her down after the cheering stopped. Suka pulled them all into a tight group hug, and they all fell on the floor together.

They all sat in a heap on the court, crying of happiness and laughter.

The Karasuno boys thanked the audience for coming to watch, and left the gym with huge smiles on their faces.

As she was walking through the halls, she heard someone say, "Hey, Suka-chan."

She turned around and saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi walking behind her, but neither of them were wearing jerseys.

"Tooru? What are you doing here?" Suka asked.

"We came to watch the match." he replied.

"Were you cheering for us, at least?" Suka asked, with hopeful eyes.

"I wish both teams could've lost." he replied, crossing his arms and throwing his head back.

"Come on, don't be a sore loser." Suka said, nudging him in the side playfully before continuing to walk.

"I'm not a sore loser!" he replied, while trying to catch up to Suka.

"Yes you are, Trashykawa." Iwaizumi said, interrupting the conversation.

"Iwa-chan, you're so mean!" Oikawa cried, which made Suka and Iwaizumi burst into giggles.

"Well, we've got some business to take care of, so we'll see you soon." Iwaizumi suddenly said, pulling Oikawa away.

"What business, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa asked.

"This type of business" he replied, crashing his lips onto Oikawa's.

"Woah there, let's keep it PG here." Suka interrupted.

"If you think that's bad, you should see him when it's just the two of us..." Oikawa said, earning a blush from Iwaizumi.

"Look at this!" Oikawa exclaimed, turning around and pulling his shirt up. He revealed his back which was covered in long scratches side by side. "Iwa-chan is brutal even when he bottoms!" he added.

Suka snorted and fell to the ground laughing. Iwaizumi's face was turning redder and redder every second.

"What happened to keeping it PG here?" he asked, trying to hide his blush.

"Come on Iwa-chan, let's go home." Oikawa said, grabbing his boyfriends wrist and walking away. "Bye, Suka! See you tonight!" he added, and disappeared out of sight.

See you tonight? What did that mean? Suka thought. She shook her head and disregarded what just happened.

Suka continued walking through the hallways and eventually got to the parking lot. She couldn't stop smiling because of their win against Shiratowizawa until she got in the car.

"Even if no one knew it was my birthday, at least we're going to nationals..." she quietly told herself.

She drove back to her house feeling glum. She opened the door to her house where she was greeted by her kitten, Kuroo Jr.

I wonder if Kuroo remembered about my birthday... she thought. She grabbed some cat food from her fridge and put it in Kuroo Jr.'s bowl. She stared at her cat eat in peace, before deciding to head upstairs.

When Suka got to her bedroom, she turned her phone on. No texts or calls from Kuroo. She sighed as she dropped her phone on her bed and decided to read for a little bit. However, as soon as she opened a book, she heard her phone buzz. She closed her book angrily and opened the text message she just received and saw that is was from... Bokuto?

"Open your window" it said.

Suka walked to the other side of her room and stood in front of the window. She stared at her reflection and sighed. She opened the window and peered outside. She saw nothing.

"Hmph." she said, turning around.

"Did ya miss us?" someone said.

Suka turned around to face the window again and saw Bokuto and Akaashi poking their heads in her room.

"Bokuto it's been a week." Suka replied, looking at herself in the mirror.

Bokuto frowned.

There was a long, silent pause before Suka asked, "Are you guys coming in or not?" as she looked at Bokuto and Akaashi's reflections.

Bokuto and Akaashi nodded and sat down on the window ledge before hopping inside her room.

"So, what's up?" Bokuto asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I think I should be asking you that..." Suka replied, looking through her dresser.

"We just wanted to hang out, that's all." Akaashi replied, and the two boys sat down on her bed.

Suka stopped what she was doing and turned around to face the two boys.

"And do what?" Suka asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Hang out at your place!" Bokuto replied.

"What is it with people and using my window as an entrance instead of my door?" Suka asked aloud.

"We didn't want to enter through your door because we have a surprise for you!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"Bokuto, I don't have time for your surpris-" Suka said, while sighing.

"Shhhh." he said, putting his finger over her lips.

"Bokuto, what are you-" Suka said, before Bokuto hushed her again.

Him and Akaashi dragged her through the hallway and stopped at a window at the very end. They opened it and stood on the sides of it with proud smiles on their faces.

"What?" Suka asked.

"Look!" Akaashi said, and pointed through the window.

Suka took a step forward, and her jaw dropped when she saw what was outside the window.

All the boys from Karasuno, Nekoma, Aoba Johsai, Fukurodani, and even Shiratorizawa were standing  in her backyard.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone shouted.

Suka Mayato from KarasunoWhere stories live. Discover now