Chapter 2

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Hinata and Suka happened to be in the same science class, so they walked together in the hall, talking about their interests and such.

"What's your favorite sport?" Hinata asked Suka.

"Volleyball! I've been playing it since the third grade!" she happily replied.

Hinata jumped up in the air. "No way! I love volleyball! Let's go to the gym after school and play a game of 1 on 1!" He exclaimed.

Suka thought about what happened yesterday with Kageyama when she tried to go to the gym, but quickly disregarded it.

"Alright, I can't wait!" she replied.

It's been so long since I've played volleyball in an actual gym... Suka thought to herself.

When they got to their science class, Hinata and Suka sat beside each other again. Coincidentally, Kageyama sat behind Suka again. 

"Today you're going to be doing work in groups of 5" the teacher stated. "Since the girls are outnumbered, there will likely be one girl in each group, possibly 2." the teacher continued.

"Once I tell you your groups, you can get started. The assignment should be on your desk. First we have Hinata, Suka, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, and Tsukkishima." the teacher said.

Just my luck. I'm stuck with Kageyama. But at least Hinata is with me, and I heard Tsukkishima is incredibly smart, and Yamaguchi is very sweet. Suka thought. They got into their groups, and stood together in one corner of the classroom. The four boys were towering over her, especially Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi. They all looked very curious, and Suka knew exactly why.

Suka rolled her eyes. "To answer your question, I'm 138cm tall." she blankly said.

Hinata laughed. "Woah! And I thought I was short! I'm almost 25cm taller than you! Are you some kind of dwar-"

Before Hinata could say anything else, Kageyama punched Hinata right in the gut.

"Oi! What was that for?" he yelled.

Kageyama whispered something, but Suka ignored it.

It took everything in her not to knock Hinata out for calling her a dwarf. Suka rolled her eyes again and brought her attention over to Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi. She noticed that Yamaguchi was staring at her. His cheeks turned pink and he quickly looked over at Tsukkishima.

"Yamaguchi, are you alright?" Suka asked.

Yamaguchi was shocked that this beautiful girl just asked him if he was okay, and that she even knew his name!

"I-I'm fine, thank you." he replied, and blushed.

When the end of the day finally came, Hinata and Suka skipped to the gym.

"What position do you play?" Hinata asked her.

"It's quite obvious, considering my height. I'm a libero. How about you?" Suka replied.

"I don't really know. But I love spiking." Hinata replied.

After hours of playing volleyball, Hinata and Suka decided to go home.

"You're an amazing libero, you know that right!" Hinata said as he blushed.

"And you can jump incredibly high for someone who's 15cm shorter than a normal spiker." Suka replied, as she smiled.

They walked home together, since apparently they only lived a block away from each other. 

"Have a nice night" Hinata said, as they parted ways.

"You too." Suka replied.

The next morning, Suka woke up with a terrible cold. She had no idea who or where she got it from. Her mother kept her at home, because she could barely get out of bed. Suka texted Hinata that she wouldn't be at school for the next few days, because she was incredibly sick. 

When Suka finally came back, Hinata had incredible news for her.

"Tell me what the exciting news is already!" Suka exclaimed.

"Okay, okay! I made the volleyball team! So did everyone in our science group! There's 4 first years on the team!" Hinata burst out with excitement.

Suka's face immediately turned into a big smile. "Congratulations!" she exclaimed.

"Come watch our practice tonight!" Hinata said happily.

Suka contemplated for a moment, but agreed to come.

Later that day, Hinata and Suka went to Hinata's practice.

As they walked in the gym, Hinata yelled to everyone "Hey guys! I brought a friend!"

"Hello" they all greeted, continuing what they were doing and didn't take a single look at her.

Suddenly out of no where, two boys appeared in front of Suka. They both had heart eyes, and were drooling. The shorter one shook his head, and noticed how short she was. He used his hand to measure the height difference between himself and Suka.

"You're so short!" he laughed.

Kageyama's and Hinata's eyes widened, knowing that Suka was about to end this boy.

"Don't call her short..... You'll regret it...." Kageyama muttered.

Suddenly, Suka uppercut the boy, and he went flying across the gym. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and frantically looked from Suka to the boy, back and forth.

Suka huffed and puffed. She looked angrier than the Hulk. She straightened her shirt.

"My name is Suka Mayato, nice to meet you all!" Suka said in the nicest voice ever.

All the boys were nothing but confused with how someone could go from being Hulk, to being a cute little puppy.

"Mind if I join?" Suka asked.

No one was brave enough to say no, but then again no one was against the idea of having her stay and play volleyball.

"Let's just hope she's not a spiker"  Kageyama mumbled.

Suka shot him a dirty look, and he quickly ran off.

From the other side of the gym, the boy who was punched jumped up and yelled, "THAT WAS AWESOME!! TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT, MAYATO-SAN!!"

Suka laughed. "Sorry about that! And please, just call me Suka."

"And I'm Nishinoya." replied the boy. Everyone introduced themselves afterwards.

At the end of the boys practice, everyone was huffing and puffing, and dripping sweat. But not Suka, she was still full of energy and was ready to go for a few more hours!

"I don't know how you can manage to store so much energy in such a little body!" Asahi said, catching his breath.

"I've never met or seen someone who's a better libero than I am!" Nishinoya said. "I'm kind of jealous..." he continued glumly.

"Aw.. Noya.. Will this make you feel better?" Suka replied.

She planted a kiss on his cheek, and his face went tomato red.

Author's Note: 

       Please comment if my chapters should be longer or shorter or if they're just right

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