Otabek x Reader-- Bar

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You were a singer at a bar. There really wasn't anything interesting about you. Sometimes guys would hit on you, but you were too innocent to catch on, but your voice. DON'T GET ME STARTED ON YOUR VOICE. You could sing 36 babies to sleep in one note.

One evening you saw a peculiar man walk in. He was wearing sun glasses and had a hoodie over his head. He seemed pretty dead, but you didn't have time to think about it. Almost everyone here is dead.

"Y/N! Stop slacking off and get on that stage!" The manger yelled

"G-gomenasai" you stuttered bowing deeply

"Whatever, just go make me mone— I mean friends... yeah go make me friends......" he said walking off

You got on the "stage" which was really a tiny platform fitting a singer, drummer, and guitarist. The drummer gave of the first beat and you sang your little heart out. Your red dress glistening as you sang. You couldn't tell if you were just nervous, but you felt as if the mystery man was staring at you. When you finished, no one gave you an applause. Everyone was too drunk to care, everyone but the man. You hopped off the stage and was about to go to your changing room when someone tapped your shoulder.

"Hello.." the man said as you turned around "don't be alarmed, I won't hurt you"

"Hurt me? Why would I think that?" You said laughing

"Well, I mean, I bet a lot of people flirt with you.." he said putting his hand in his pocket

"Flirt? With me? You're so funny mister. What's your name?" You said completely clueless

The man just coughed a bit "um, I'm Otabek... and you are?"

"Y/N L/N, pleasure to meet you mister Otabek." You said taking his hand and shaking it

"How did you get stuck in a place like this with the voice you have?" He asked looking quite puzzled

"Voice? Me? I can't feel me sides!!" You said wiping tears away from your eyes, laughing like a manic

"No... like I'm serious. You're voice is beautiful" Otabek said pinning you to a wall

"M-mister Otabek?" You hesitantly said. Otabek's face inches away from yours.

"You're so naive, Y/N, yet you're so cute. I've only seen you for 4 hours, and yet you're driving me crazy. How is that possible???" Otabek said

"I... uh... I feel like we've met before...." you finally said, embarrassed at the bizarre sentence you just spoke "oh, I didn't mean to sound odd, I'm sorry"

"No, no that's fine. I feel the same" otabek said loosening his grip

"Maybe, we were meant to meet each other" you said embracing the feeling

"I'm positive" he said leaning in for a kiss

And that kids, is how I met your mother...

You don't need to know about that ending.... ANYWAYS




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