Otabek x reader-- Child's play

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A/N: if anyone wants to request.... Be my guest, be my guest. But for real, I need some XD

Otabek, about the age of 7 was sitting alone, crying. He clenched his fist as he recalled the harsh words of his schoolmates.

"Ewwww, he skates. Isn't that a sport for girls?

"Haha, I don't even think you can call it a sport"

"Come on Otabek, show us your little princess twirls"

Fresh tears stung his eyes as he tried to hold them in. What did I do to deserve this?

"Hey look guys!! It's Otabek!! Awwww, is he crying~" a boy from his school said

"Otabek, what's wrong? Maybe if you dance around like a ballerina it'll make you feel better" another boy said mimicking a ballerina

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!" He said, but to his dismay his voice cracked

All the boys laughed. Otabek tried to hold his tears in again. It was like holding onto an oily metal rod, and he was about to loose his grip. As Otabek thought he was about to burst, a little girl, which is you, around the age of 5 came up.

"What do you think you boys are doing?" You cried stomping your feet

"Oooo~ a little girl, I'm so scareddd" one of the boys cried

"I have you know that skating isn't just a sport for girls you dumb butts, and Johnny shut your pie hole. I'll tell mom!" You threatened as you crossed your arms

"Pshhh, like I care" Johnny said nervously

"Or do you want me to tell your friends that you're a ballroom dancer" you said wiggling your eyebrows

"You're a ballroom dancer? That's even worse then skating!" One of the boys laughed, pushing him away

"Don't listen to her! I'm not a ballroom dancer!" He cried

"Oh Mike. You're a synchronized swimmer silly." You said giggling

The boy who pushed Johnny froze "w-what are you talking about?"

"Come on guys! You all have embarrassing sports you play, so leave him alone, or I'll reveal them to the whole school!" You said with a mischievous grin on your face

"W-whatever, lets go fellas, he's not worth our time" said Johnny walking away

Otabek has remained silent the entire time. You struggled to get on the big boulder he was sitting on, pulling your tiny legs over the top.

You huffed "Hey there big guy!"

"What. Do you think. You're doing?" Otabek said gritting through his teeth

"Talking to you" you said.

"I didn't need your help! I could've handled it alone!" He shouted angrily. You just sat there some more, not effected.

"Ya know. I actually think the sports they play are cool. I'm a skateboarder!! I'm really jealous that you figure skate. You should be proud. Many people wish to be like you, and I know one day you'll be a champion!" You said swinging your legs

Otabek started crying again, but for a different reason. No one at this point has ever told him he was going to make it. He was told to quit trying. He wasn't flexible enough, nor as advanced as other skaters. He wanted to quit, until you came along

"thank you.." he said timidly, wiping his tears away "say, when I make it to the big leagues, will you watch me?"

"Absolutely!!" You said smiling

"What's your name?" He asked

"Y/N" you said

"Otabek" he said

From that day forward you two hanged out, but  you moved away one year before high school and you didn't keep in touch.
-:-:- time skip -:-:-

Otabek was warming up in the lounge area. This was his first ever big competition and all he could think about was if you would be here.

"Hello there big guy!" Said a voice. You saw a beautiful young woman talking to you. Her H/C hair and E/C eyes sparkled as if you were a shooting star.

"I'm sorry. Do you need something?" Otabek asked

You hit him over the head with the brochure you were holding.

"Baka, who do you think it is?" You cried

Otabek stared at you for a solid minute, until he finally realized it was you. The girl from his childhood. He couldn't believe it, it was too good to be true.

"Y/N?" He asked

"Das me!" You said giving off jazz hands

"Wow! You changed so much I didn't even realize it was you!" He said happily

"I noticed" you said rolling your eyes

Otabek's coach came over "you're about to go on. Get ready!"

"I'm not going to give you luck because you don't need it. I know you'll do amazing" you said kissing him on the cheek and left off to the stands

Otabek touched the spot where you kissed him. That's right. I'm not doing this for anyone but me and her. And he got on the ice

His choreography was about true love. He never understood the meaning until today when he met you. This made his performance unreal. It was like he was in another world. As he finished he stared at you. His breath shaky and his heart beating. You knew this was against every law ever placed, but you ran on the ice and kissed Otabek, right on the lips this time.

"I told you!" You said happily
Whoops. This was actually really tiring to make for me. Maybe because it's like 12:40 am but whatever.

School is almost over for me! 23 ish days left. I really enjoy reading all your comments! They make me laugh. Thanks for being part of my day guys! <3

Xoxo Anime orange

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