Chapter 4 || This kid is a masterpiece

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I unlock the door and get inside slamming it behind me. I follow the directions towards my room and begin changing into my pajamas. You know that stage when you just feel blank? I am at that stage right now. I feel empty; I feel like my heart is breaking into million pieces and I can't do anything about it. So I let it break. I let my heart break into pieces as I stare at nothing in particular. 

The feeling of emptiness and pure sadness begin to take over my mind, heart and even my muscles. I can't move. I just stare at the picture of me and my sister sitting on my nightstand. I let out a deep breath wishing she was here. But someone decided to take her with him, forever. I want to cry. I want to break down and start crying like a baby over everything, but I can't. I can't find the strength anyway.

I fall on my bed looking at the white ceiling above my head. I grab my phone from next to me and dial my sister's number putting it on speaker and on my lap waiting. It goes straight to voicemail so I begin talking.

"Hey sugar." I pause. "I miss your voice calling 'hey honey' whenever I call you by that nickname." I smile uncontrollably. "Remember when we were little and we used to go to that haunted house near ours and play hide and seek and you would always scare the crap out of me and I would start crying?" I laugh remembering the good old days. "I miss you, sugar. More than anything. If you were here, you would hold me whispering in my ear how someone like Dave doesn't deserve my tears nor my sadness. You would take me to one of those clubs and make me drunk just so that I can forget about how shitty my life is." tears begin to appear as I notice someone else calling me. I cut the line with my sister and answer to the new phone call.

"Hello?" I say, my voice cracking.

"Hey I'm Adam, did I interrupt something?" a man's voice speaks. I smile understanding who it is.

"No. I was just talking to my sister." I answer truthfully sitting up on the bed.

"Oh, I guess I know one more thing about you except that you are freshly broken-up by a jerk." Adam's sentence makes  me smile fading away the depressing thoughts I had two seconds ago. 

"I don't have a sister, Adam." I close my eyelids for a moment before I speak again exhaling roughly. "she died two years ago." there was silence through the other end of the line for a few seconds.

"Sorry to hear that." Adam says.

"It's fine. I just like to call her and leave a voicemail. I don't care if it sounds stupid." I make up a sentence as fast as I could trying to keep the cheerful mood in my heart. I stand up placing the phone on my nightstand. It's eight in the evening and I'm exhausted. 

"I admire stupidity." the boy says taking me by surprise. This guy really is a masterpiece. I just laugh and start taking off my clothes replacing them with my pink pajamas.

"So...why did you call?" I finally ask laying on my bed with my phone in my hand resting next to my ear. I can hear him breathe, and somehow this was the most peaceful and relaxing thing I have ever heard.

"I wanted to." I smirk.

"Good answer." I yawn feeling my eyelids threatening to close and take me to the beautiful safe and sound phase of sleeping.

"You had a tiring day?" he asks and I nod feeling stupid a second after because I realise that he can't see my facial expressions.

"Yup. What about you?" I question and hear him yawn as well.


"I have a question for you, Pizza Boy." I announce trying to find a comfortable spot in my bed. He laughed quietly and answered with an 'oh'. "Are you instagram famous?" 

"What?" he burst into laughing causing me to start laughing too. His laugh is so contagious, tears of happiness and laughter begin strolling down my cheeks. A couple of seconds later we both stop laughing as I wait for an answer. "I think, it's time to tell you that I have a twin brother." my mouth literally draws open. Silence fills the air for a few moments. "You fainted from excitement?" he asks.

"Nah. But it's so freaking cool though." I say honestly. 

"I know. So, how are you doing? Feeling any better?" he says and I let out a deep breath before answering.

"You can say that." I simply reply. We talk for a little more before I tell him that I am tired and that I want to go to bed. We hang up and I lay on my pillow covering my body with my bed sheets slipping to sleep quite quickly.


I woke up thinking that I should have a day off. I called to my job and said that I will be not coming today because I wasn't feeling so well. So I get up, get dressed, have breakfast, grab my keys and walk out of my apartment. I find my car getting in fixing my seatbelt before starting to drive off. I want to get away. So I drive for hours until I find myself at the shore of a beach sitting on a bench just looking at the indigo sky and the waves crushing on the shore.

I inhale feeling the scent of the saltiness of the sea get inside my nostrils. A feeling of euphoria takes over me as glimpses of the brown-haired boy come back to my mind. I find myself thinking about Adam without my permission; I can't complain though. He's a masterpiece. Really. I feel myself relax and I know that I'm okay now. I' honestly feeling better. I stay at that place for a few more hours. I go somewhere to eat some food and walk at the shore of the beach for a little more before beginning driving back to my house.

Hours passed before arriving back to my house and it's already night time here. I go to unlock my apartment's door when a pizza box with a rose and a note is waiting for me on the floor at the door. I smile as I grab the note from the floor and start reading "I wanted to see you so I got you a pizza but you were not home so i left and then i came back hoping i would find you but you were not home yet. so let the pizza here. it will get cold. don't eat it. hope you are okay -Adam." 

"Unbelievable." I mutter before laughing and getting inside my apartment holding the pizza box, the rose and the note in hand.


sorry that it took me so long to write this chapter. i had so many things to do.


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-marie xx

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