the subway

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Maya's pov

I was on the subway now crying, just like I was 4 months before. I had my hands wrapped around my knees and my head down bawling. I could feel everyone on the subway looking at me but I don't care. I really don't know why I got all defensive, I really value Riley's opinion. But I was done with farkle, I was done with everyone trying to tell me what to do. I had a great time on my date with Lucas. We went horseback riding. He rented two horses and an open park where we could ride. It was really romantic. I was having some problems controlling my horse so I gave up. Lucas let me ride on the back of his horse, my arms wrapped around his waist and lied my head on his back. He was warm and smelt like cologne but he didn't over do it, he had just enough it was perfect. "Maya?" I hear a voice say and look up. I had mascara streaming down my faces. "Are you ok?" He asks with concern. It was lucas.

I wipe my nose with my hand and untangle myself from the ball I was in. "No I'm not"

"What's wrong?" He asks, sitting down next to me.

"Riley and I got into a fight"

"Oh," he sounded like he was in real shock. Riley and I don't fight all that often. "About what?" He asks with real concern.

"You" I say leaning into him.

"Really?" He sounds surprised, but a good surprised, like he wanted us to be talking about him.

"And farkle," I say quickly.

"Oh," his smile fades, "what about us?"

It was time to tell him the truth. "Lucas?"

"Yeah?" He asked as if 'yeah' was an actually question.

"You know I was just using you to get over farkle, right?" By this time we were really close, touching even.

"Yeah I kinda figured." He says sadly.

"I'm really sorry," I said genuinely.

"I know," he grabbed my hand. We just sat there really close, holding hands, like a real couple, maybe I made a mistake. What if farkles not for me and lucas really is? I leaned my head on his shoulder, this seems to be our position when he comforts me.


"Yeah?" I sit up.

"I really like you"

"I really like you too huckleberry."

And then we kiss, it wasn't as long as my kiss with farkle, but it was something.

Lucas's pov

I kissed her. I kissed maya hart. If you must know I've liked her for a while but never said anything but when she needed 'rescuing' I knew I had to be there. I really liked maya hart, you'd expect this kiss to be everything but it wasn't. There were no sparks.


Why were there no sparks? Who do you think should end up together in this story?

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