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The next day

Farkles pov

I see maya and Lucas feeding each other all lovey on the couch in topangas when I walk in. "Maya can we talk?" I ask.

"Uh yeah," she says confused, as she pushes off the couch. "What is it farkle?" We are now outside.

"We never got a Chance to talk about what happened." I say.

I could tell she was getting mad. "Yes we did remember?! I wanted us to be a thing! I loved you! But then you were kissing her like you kissed" I pull her close and kiss her. She wouldn't stop talking and give me a chance to say what I wanted to say, what was I supposed to do? She pulls away gently. "I can't do this farkle" she says looking down while I'm still holding her face.

"I know I was stupid for choosing her. We broke up, I love you Maya." I say holding her upper arms as if she was going to run away.

"I can't do this," she whispers looking at the ground. "I'm still dating lucas, she looked up with a dismal look on her face.

Maya's pov

"I'm still dating lucas," I look up at Farkle who was holding my arms tight.

"I know but" he slides him hands down to my hands, holding them now.

I pull away, "No Farkle, we shouldn't have done it the first time." I can't believe he did this. He kissed me, then chose that bitch Sarah and now wants me back. No I'm with Lucas now.

"Is everything ok?" Lucas asked as I walk back into topangas.

I drop back down on the couch. "No," I say staring out the window where Farkle and I once were. Lucas wraps his arm around me and rubs my arm and pulls me close, I lay my head on his shoulder. I could never hurt lucas.


"Hey so how was the double date?" Riley asks unsure. I was still in shock I just stared at the ground. "Maya?" she asks leaning towards me.

"Farkle and I kissed," I said barely audible.

"Oh Maya." She put her arm around me and I layed my head on her shoulder, my eyes start to water. It felt like an eternity later when she asked, " What are you going to do?" she holds me tight.

"I don't know." My heads still on her shoulders.

"You can't hurt lucas"

"I would never want to."

"Do you still like him?" Riley asked gently pushing me off.

"Yeah," I say almost unsure.

"But you don't love him." Riley meant for it to be a question but it was a statement.

"When I kissed him I felt nothing."

"But when you kissed Farkle?" She looked at me.

"Even when I was mad at him and he kissed me I felt like the world stopped, and sparks flew" That was the truth, as much as I hate to admit it. "But I don't want to hurt Lucas."

"I know you don't but you have to tell him."

"I know." I say quietly looking at the ground.  


What does all of this mean for Lucaya?

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