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Sophie run up to the beach with her friends behind her.

"Wait! Don't leave!" Sophie shout but was too late.

She take off her clothes until she was in her costume then she jumped into the water swimming to the boat.

"No Sophie." Her friends tried to stop her but turns out watching her leave.

Sophie swimmed to until she riched the boat and got on with the help of the three men.

"Why are you leaving?" She asked them.

"Sophie, we're not suppose to be here and you know it." Sam said taking off his shirt for her.

"But my wedding..." sophie started.

"Sophie, Donna doesn't want us there. She rejected us from the goat house." Bill said.

"No, she's still stressed about the wedding but  she has no idea that you guys are gonna be there. It's gonna be a lovely surprise for her." Sophie said.

"You think so?" Asked Sam.

Sophie nod and look around her.

"Sophie, what if this is a mistake? What if we shouldn't be here?" Harry asked walking up to her taking a seat where ever he can.

"What if it isn't a mistake?" Asked Sophie taking a seat next to Harry.

"Then it isn't." Harry replied.

"Exactly." Sophie said giving a smile.

The two other men went on working on the ship's sails leaving Sophie and Harry to talk.

"Harry, can I ask you a question?" Sophie asked Harry. Harry nod and look at her. "Do you think that what you and my mom once had was real?"

Harry look down then back up at her handing her an old photo. She took it and smiled."I once thought to myself that what we had was real but there's just something about life that I don't's complicated." He replied.

Sophie nod with a smile and look over the sea breathing in the fresh air. She look at Harry and give him back the photo and stood up. "Where are you going?" Asked Harry.

"Just walking around on the boat." Sophie replied and walk away from him to Bill. She stand next to him and look over the waters with him.

"Is this boat yours?" Asked Sophie.

"Oh yes. I bought it a few years ago after I met your mother." He replied with a smile.

"That's great. Do you have any photos of you and her?" Asked Sophie. Bill laugh and took out a photo and show it to her.

"Wow, you two looked so defferent." Sophie giggled.

"Yeah well we were young. That was just good old days." Bill smiled at her and put the photo away again.

"Sophie." Sophie look up at Bill. "How did find out about me?"

"Well, Bill..." Sophie look down then back up at him. "That's kind of my secret."

Sophie gave him a smile and climb to the other side of the railing.

"Wait, where are you going?" Asked Bill.

"No where." Sophie replied and jump off.

Harry and Sam runs to Bill and look down at Sophie that kept swimming next to the boat that stood still in the water.

"Sophie get up here, that's not a good idea to swim here!" Sam shout.

"Well who are you? My father?" Sophie asked teasingly leaving Sam speechless.

"Sophie what are you even doing?" Harry asked.

"Thinking on many ways to drown myself before my wedding day." Sophie replied.

"Why?" Asked Bill.

"Because things aren't turning out as I hoped." She replied.

"Sophie just get on the boat!" Sam shout.

"Make me." Sophie teased and swim away to a little land close to the island and very high from the water.

"That's it." Bill turn the boat and let it go her direction till they were where she was.

"Are you out of your mind?" Sam asked madly.

"Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it?" Sophie gave them a smile. Bill laugh and went back on the boat with Harry.

"Wait Sam." Sophie stopped Sam. He turn around and look at her. "Why haven't you come back?"

"Didn't your mother tell you?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter what she told me." Sophie replied.

"It's my secret then." Sam said and put his hand in his pocket to get something out. It was a photo. He gave it to her and fold his arms. "That's all I wanna remember."

Sophie smiled and climb back on the boat with Sam behind her.

They sailed on again and Sophie stood next to the three men talking and laughing.

"Sophie!" She heard sky called. She look at where it came from and took of Sam's shirt.

"Okay I'm gonna leave. See you guys at the wedding." Sophie said giving his shirt to him.

She jump off and swimmed to Sky.

She came to him and run into his arms.

"Sophie where have you been? People has been arriving all afternoon and no one has seen you." He said.

"I'm sorry. I lost track of time." Sophie apologised as she gave Sky a kiss.

"Where are you going?" She asked when she saw a mask in his hand. He walk to the rocks and put it down going back to Sophie.

"Oh just some men party tonight." Sky replied.

Sophie giggled and asked, "You remember how I always said I wanted to find my father?"

"Soph we've been through this a million times. You don't need a father. You have a family." Sky replied.

"Yeah I know." She giggled and give him a kiss.

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