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Donna and Sophie arrived with everyone. They lift Sophie up and moved her up to the church as Donna stood behind crying with the fact she's letting go of her daughter, well every mother has to on some point.

She stood still as they moved on and Sam catched up with her.

"Donna wait!" Sam ran up to Donna and stop her.

"What is it Sam?" Donna asked with tears in her eyes.

"We need to talk." Sam said putting his hand on her arm.

"I don't have time for talk." Donna said moving away from him letting his hand slide of her arm.

"But its urgent." Sam stopped her.

"I can't do this now Sam!" Donna shout at him as she turned to him. "We have a past I get it but you have to leave it okay!"

"Yeah we had a past Donna! But most importantly we loved each other." Sam said.

"That wasn't love Sam! When you're ingage to someone else there is no such thing as love between you and someone out of your relationship! And yes you are Sophie's father but the fact that you weren't there for her doesn't make you her dad!" Donna cried.

"So you admit it, I am Sophie's father." Sam asked.

Donna shook her hands and ran away from him till she reached the top and looked back at him.

"Donna!" He shout.

"It's over." She cried to herself then turn around and go to Sophie that was waiting.

"Mom, there you are." Sophie stood up.

Donna blamed her shoes and helped Sophie fixing her dress before entering the church.

Donna threw the prist a sign and he showed everyone to stand up.

The music starts playing sweetly as Donna walk in with Sophie to the front when Sam came in and took his seat. Donna took her seat next to tanya and Rosie that asked her why she took so long.

"I'd like to welcome Sophie and Sky. Aspecially Donna who I represent her own family..." the prist started.

"And I would like to welcome Sophie's dad." Donna interrupted and stood up and look at Sophie. "I have to tell you he is here."

All three men stood up and looked infront of them.

"I know. I invited them." Sophie said taking of her veil.

"You couldn't. I don't know which one it is." Donna said then gasped grabbing her mouth. "That's why they're all here."

The men look at each other and gasped taking their seats immediately.

"Mom, I'm so sorry. You have to forgive you." Sophie apologized taking her mother's hand.

"Oh Sophie. I'm sorry too. Please forgive me" Donna cried.

"Of course. You're my mom. I love you so so so much. I don't care if you slept with hundreds of men. You're my mom and I love you so much." Sophie said.

Donna dry of her tears and gave her daughter a hug.

"And I haven't slept with hundred of men." Donna said taking her seat.

"Am I getting this right. I may be Sophie's dad but Bill and Harry may also be her dad." Sam said coming to the front.

"Yes Sam. That may be and you have no one but yourself to blame." Donna said standing up.

"Oh really? Well did I ever mention that I came back for you?" Sam asked looking Donna up and down.

"Why didn't you call me?" Donna asked.

"Because I was crazy enought to think that you'll be waiting for me. Only when I arrived they told me went off with some other guy." Sam replied.

Donna gave Bill and Harry a guilty look and look bacm at Sam.

"So I told Lorraine everything. She called me an idiot and married me to proof it." Sam said folding his arms.

"May I just bother?" Harry asked and stood up walking to the front looking at Donna.

"Donna you were the first girl I have ever loved now actually the last girl." He look at a man that sat behind then back at Donna. "I never knew I would be a third father of Sophie but I'd rather be that then nothing."

"Me too." Bill stood up and join the group in the front.

Donna sat down in shock and look at Rosie that was saying. "Weird ain't it? You wait twenty years for a dad then three come along at once."

"We are gathered..." the prist started.

"No wait. I don't know which one of you is my father, but I don't mind." Sophie said turning around then turning back to Sky.

"I know now what I want. Sky lets not get married yet. It's not that I don't want to but you never wanted this in anyway so lets get of this island and go see the world." Sophie said putting her hands on Sky's shoulder.

"Oh Soph. I love you." Sky pull Sophie in and kissed her. He picked her up and carry her out as everyone stood up ready to leave.

Donna walk to the front to the prist that was confused.

"Donna, is this wedding over?" He asked.

"I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen now..." Donna started and chuckled.

"Wait." They heard. Everyone stopped and look at Sam that stood at the door lookig at Donna. "Why waist a good wedding on such a great day?"

Everyone came back inside including Sophie and Sky.

"Donna, you're gonna need someone to boss around on this island of yours." Sam said steading himself. Donna's friends move in next to her.

"Are you crazy?" Donna asked.

"Crazy inlove with you." Sam replied. Donna held her breath and see Sam going on his knees infront of her. "Donna, we both made mistakes. And if I was one of your mistakes I'd like to be that every day, every morning."

"Well, we can't. We just met after all these years Sam." Donna said keeping her distance.

"But through all this years I loved you." Sam smiled. "You love me too Donna, admit it."

"Well I..." Donna started but stopped speechlessly.

"Marry me Donna, you'll never have to be alone again." Sam opened his arms as he was still on his knees.

"Well...I don't know." Donna said unsure as everyone just gave them their chance to get things for real.

"Donna..." Sam gave her a serious look. "It's now or never honey."

"Yes Sam I will marry you." Donna shout and gave a big smile as she ran into Sam's arms and kissed him as he stood up and kissed her back and just held her in his strong powerful arms


This one really made me jumpy. I even skipped dinner fpr this chapter 😆. Please comment or vote. Thank you.*

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