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Donna walk up to the courtyard and start picking up bottles. Sophie walked out and crossed the yard. Donna grab her arm and look at her pale looking face.

"Are you alright?" Donna asked scanning her.

"Yeah mom, I'm fine." Sophie said and try to walk away as she pull Sophie back.

"Wait. Sophie. What's going on?" Donna asked. Sophie held her breath thinking this is the end. "Last night? You and sky."

"Oh." Sophie blinked a few times looking at her left then back at her mom with tears in her eyes. She feels so stupit for thinking she'll know her father right away but now this is one big mess. "I don't know what to do."

"You don't have to do anything." Donna pulled Sophie in for a hug. "It's not too late. I can still call off the wedding everbody will understand."

"Wait. What? Call off the wedding?" Sophie asked breaking her mother's embrace.

"Isn't that what you want?" Donna asked.

"No. No, this is what you want." Sophie moved backwards so irritated. "Gosh, you never had a wedding you just did the baby thing well good for you!"

"Okay, I don't know why you're going off on me now!" Donna shout. "I don't!"

"Because...Gosh I love Sky and I wanna be with him." Sophie  grab her head and let it go putting her hands in fists infront of her chest.

"That's good. Great!" Donna shout back as she continue to pick up glass bottles.

"I want Sky to be the father of my children and I wanna make sure I don't raise them up wondering who their father is because its just crap!" Sophie shout and went up into her room.
Donna stood there shocked and about to cry when Sky, Peppa and some other friends came in laughing. Donna throw the trash can to the floor and shout at them, "this is suppose to be Sophie's wedding! You guys gotta get ready!" Donna walked agrily to the old goat house and and got stuff to fix the crack in the courtyard.

"It's not nice taking all your frustrations out on people who doesn't deserve it." She heard. She turn around and saw Sam leaning against the wall off the old goat house.

"It's not nice to sneak up on people." Donna roled her eyes and walked off to the crack with Sam following her.

"You know what I like most about you?" Sam asked.

"What?" They finally reached the spot where the crack was and Donna went on her knees to fix the crack.

"The way you're so good in acting." Sam replied.

"What are you talking about Sam?" Asked Donna as she look up at him.

"You're acting it so cool on letting Sophie go when you know you're not ready to let go." Sam replied.

Donna hold her breath, threw the stuff aside and stood up looking at him.

"Donna, I'm a father of two boys I know something about letting go." Sam replied. "Sophie is so young if it was up to me I'd go tell her to get a life."

Donna nod with agreement. "Well my daughter has a mind of her own and she'll figure it all out."

"Yeah well if she is ready to let go how sure can she be that you're gonna be okay here on your own?" Sam asked.

"What do you mean?" Donna asked after realising she's nodding and agreeig with someone she's nod suppose to agree with.

"If she's gone it's only gonna be you and this place. Why not having someone to be there for you. To wake up next to you having that thought of, my god, another day with the most amazing woman that's great. I love it." Sam replied. Donna turn to him and gave a sarcastic laugh and immediately stopped.

"Sam, I'm not a kid. I don't have to wake up next to someone thinking that while I can wake up every morning thinking, thank god I don't have to listen to some middle aged men in paws knowing how to run my life. I'm free and I'm single and unlike you I know how to look after myself." Donna said stepping back.

"Actually Donna, that's what you think now until you're completely alone with this bifg sorrow in your heart thinking about how lonely you are and how much you'll miss Sophie." Sam replied.

Donna look down and dry up her tears quickly looking up at Sam that was still looking at her.

"I don't know how many times I'm gonna ask myself but I think its time to ask you... what happened to us Donna?" Sam asked. Donna look down and back up at him and pull in her lips letting it go again.

"Well, that's a question I stopped asking myself a long time ago." Donna replied looking deep into his eyes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go."

Donna look him up and down and walk away as he watches her leave.

Sophie runs up to Sky that was busy helping the men putting flowers on the boat.

"Sky, I need your help." Sophie run away again as Sky ran after her untill the came behind bushes away from any ears.

"What's it?" Asked Sky.

"I did something completely wrong." Sophie started. "I read mom's diary and I have three possible fathers and now they all think they're giving me away."

"How do they know?" Sky asked.

"I invited them." Sophie replied then stars off with a great explanation. "I thought I would know my father right away. But I don't. I just... and now my mom's gonna kill me. Everybody's gonna hate me and you..."

"Wait Sophie, why didn't you tell me?" Sky interrupted calmly.

"I thought you would try to stop me." Sophie replied.

"Is this what this whole wedding is about?" Sky asked then shout. "You trying to find your father!"

"No, I just wanna know my father and get married knowing who I am." Sophie replied.

"Sophie, all these years I've travelled around trying to find myself and... I put everything on hold because I loved you and wanted what you wanted but now I don't know." Sky turn around and walk away.

"You don't know if you love me anymore." Sophie cried.

"Of course I do I just wish you told me!" Sky shout turning around at her and turning back infront of her seeing Sam.

"Everything alright?" Sam asked.

Sky shook his head then ran away.

"Yes Sam. Everything is fine." Sophie replied trying to go pass hi  but Sky was gone and Sam stopped her.

"No things are not alright. How can you get married if you know you're not gonna be happy?" Sam asked as Sophie turned her back on him about to walk away.

"Sam, I heard this all from my mother and I think she knows me better than you do." Sophie said.

"But believe me Sophie. I did the big wide wedding and it doesn't always ends up in happy ever after." Sam tried to stop her as she was halfway to to the hill.

"That's you! Not me! I want everything in this world..." sophie shout turning around. She gave a roar i  frustration and look at him, "did you feel this way when you got married?"

"No." Sam replied after a moment of thinking and realised that Spphie might just be happy since he wasn't.

Sophie look him up and down and ran up to her mother.

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