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Donna walk into her room with her towel wrapped upon her wet hair. She took a seat on her bed en took out an old photo album going through the photos. That's when she realised, she's not really over Sam. That everything happened because of him. Seeing him in the old goat house took her way way back to the good old days and now she's stuck there.

A knock on the door pull her out of her thoughts. She put the photo album quickly away before the other two dynamos opened the door and walked in like cats.

"So are you ready for tonight?" Asked Tanya taking a seat next to Donna with a bottle wine.

"Yes I am." Donna replied.

"Well lets hope Cleopatra will be ready after that bottle." Rosie giggled taking a seat on Donna's other side.

"I hope so too." Donna giggled.

The music was loud soon enough to be silenced.
Sophie and her friends stopped laughing and look to the closed doors from where a voice blarred. "Ladies and no gentle men. For one night, and one night only." It was Tanya's voice.

"Cause that's all we've got prepared for!" Dosie shout.

"Oh shut up you wreck." Tanya giggled "for one night and one night only. Donna and the dynamos." Everyone cheered as the doors swang open and Donna and the two dynamos got on.

" Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me
But I won't feel blue
Like I always do
Because somewhere in the crowd there's you." Donna sang.

She gave the lady at the radio a sign to play the tape as they started to sing the song.

" I was sick and tired of everything.When I called you last night from Glasgow.All I do is eat and sleep and sing.Wishing every show was the last show." Donna sang smiling at Sophie that was so proud of her mother.
"Wishing every show was the last show" sang Tanya and Rosie as the back up singers.
"So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming Suddenly I feel all right. And it's gonna be so different. When I'm on the stage tonight" Donna sang as all three dynamos starts singing the chorus. " Tonight the Super Trouper lights are gonna find me. Shining like the sun. Smiling, having fun. Feeling like a number one"

Sam,Bill and Harry both recognize that song so they walked up to where it came from telling how much they like that song till they reach the top and was surprised to see it's the dynamos that was performing for Sophie and her friends.

"Tonight the Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me. But I won't feel blue.Like I always do. Because somewhere in the crowd there's you." Donna's eyes spotted the three men and that moment her smile faded away as she tried to keep her eyes away from them, especially Sam.

But her part was comming and she had to do this, not for him or anyone but for Sophie.

" So I'll be there when you arrive. The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive. And when you take me in your arms. And hold me tight. I know it's gonna mean so much tonight." She finally ended. This was great, she didn't let that monster get her down. That's how she should do it on the wedding day.

The rest of the song went great and during the dance moves she managed to tell Tanya in her ear that the three men are there. Tanya gave them a death stare and just as they ended the song Sophie ran up to her mom giving her a hug. Donna hugged Sophie and look at Sam from over her shoulder that was cheering like a embarrassing dad at a school concert.

The three dynamos walk back to Donna's room.

"What on bloody earth are they doing here?" Donna asked. "They're gonna ruin this wedding."

"Donna, they never knew about Sophie." Rosie said following her friends.

"And he didn't have to know. Sopbie was only my responsibility over the last twenty years and I wouldn't let that be taken away from me by some bango men." Donna slammed the door in her friends' faces and lean against the door hearing her friends walking away.

"That was very rude Donna Sheridan." She heard the familiar voice. She turn around and see Sam leaning against the wall of her room.

"How did you..."Donna looked confuse out then back at Sam. "You were out there a few minutes ago. How did you get in here so fast?"

Sam smiled and stood up straight. "I build this place remember." He gave her the smile she never forgot.

She gave him a sarcastic agreeing facial expression and sat on her bed. She pull out her one boot as Sam took a seat next to her while she pull out her other boot.

"Why are you like this?" He asked her.
She look up then back at him.

"It doesn't matter." She said and stood up and put the fancy boots next to her closet.

"For me it does." Sam said as he stood up and stand behind her breathing in her neck.

"No it doesn't." She said as she walk away from him to her dressing table and took off her earings and put others in.

"Donna..." Sam started as he try to walk to her.

"Sam don't okay. It's not right what you're doing."Donna tried to stop him but he was so close to her.

"Can I atleast have a hug?" He asked teasingly.

"No freaken hell." Donna said as she walk pass him and pull her dress out of her closet.

Sam walk to her and put his hand against her closet infront of her before she could walk to the bathroom.

"You can't resist me Donna. Admit it. Even if you were married you still wouldn't have been over me." Sam said looking down at her.

"Oh, so now you're flirting with married women too." Donna raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, I see no wedding ring on your finger. I don't see you kissing any other man so, no, I don't flirt with married women. I only flirt with you." Sam replied grabbing her hand with his other hand. Donna take her hand out of his and gave a sarcastic smile. "But unlike you, I don't flirt." Donna turn around and walk out the door with her dress

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