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Hey guys, sooo this is the sequel to Test The Limits (Jack Frost x Elsa) It's set before the Epilogue (so they haven't had their kids yet, but their first child will be mentioned) and there will be more dramas with some evil people. Okay I hope you love this story as much as you amazing readers loved my first.

Here we go :)


Chapter 1


I slowly opened my eyes. Sunlight was pouring into the bedroom and the smell of cooking food was in the air. I looked to my left and saw the most beautiful woman in the world.


I smiled to myself as I watched her sleep. Her eyelids flickered as she dreamt. I carefully slid my arm behind her back and pulled her closer to me, her head moved and rested on my bare chest. I sighed happily and closed my eyes.

It had been 3 months since we defeated Pitch. But we all knew, the Guardians, that he would be back. You can't have joy and happiness without fear, but for now, I was happy with my life. Elsa stirred and my eyes flicked open. She wriggled about,

"Jack! Jack run! Stay away from me! I'll kill you! JACK!" She screamed in her sleep.

"Elsa!" I shook her until she woke up from the nightmare. She opened her eyes wide and then wrapped her arms around my neck and cried. I held her close and whispered, "Shh it was a nightmare Elsa. I'm here. You're not going to hurt me. I promised I'd always stay." I kissed the top of her head.

"Jack it was horrible." She cried.

"Shh it's over." I let her go and she looked at me with those icy blue eyes. "Now you're awake, do you want to go get some breakfast?"

"Okay." She agreed and slipped out of bed. Her silk night gown clung to her skin and made her look amazing. "What are you staring at?" She laughed. I flicked my eyes away and laughed,

"Noooothing." I smiled as I got out of bed as well.

"Y'know Jack, we really need to move into that place North set up for us soon. We can't stay at the Workshop forever." Elsa said as she went behind a screen to get dressed. Her night gown flew over the top and there was a flash of blue light.

"I know baby. I know. But right now I don't want to leave here. It's nice having breakfast ready in the mornings. Isn't it?" I said as I slipped into my normal attire of a blue hoodie and brown pants. Elsa walked out from behind the screen braiding her hair.

"Yes but every guardian has their own place except you." She sighed.

"Yes but," I walked over to her and put my hands on her waist, "none of them have an amazing person like you to love in their life do they? I'm the lucky one." I smiled and she blushed. I kissed her cheek and then entwined my hand with hers. "Let's go." I said and both of us walked out to the dining room.

Norths Yetis had outdone themselves. Bacon, eggs, bread, sausages. How they got the food baffles me. I pulled a chair out for Elsa and she took a seat and I took one next to her.

"Hey Phil!" Elsa called to the familiar Yeti,


"Where's North?"

"Here I am!" Said a Russian accent. A large butch man strode into the dining room. His beard was snow white and his arms were covered in tattoos NAUGHTY and NICE were sprawled across them.


"Heey North!" I waved to him. He beamed back.

"Hello Jack, good morning Elsa." He took a seat at the head of the table.

"Hi North!" Elsa smiled and took a sip of orange juice.

"So how're we all?"

"We're good North," Elsa smiled, "but I mean to ask you something."


"Are we a bother? I mean do you want us to move out at any time?"

"Elsa!" I spluttered. Great! Now we have too!

"Shush Jack," North scolded, "Elsa, you and Jack move out when you are ready. For now you are perfectly fine to stay."

"HAHA!" I laughed at Elsa, who glared at me.

"Oh shush Jack. I was only asking." She snapped and continued to eat. I shrugged and dug into my breakfast.


When I was finished I wiped my mouth, thanked North and the Yetis for the meal, and walked out of the room.

The nightmare was still haunting me. Jack, no one, could see it, it just followed me. A dark horse in every corner I looked.

I was the one who took pitch down, it's me he was after. I walked all the way to the gates and outside into the snow. I rubbed my arms and tried to think about what do to. The horse was no where to be seen thank goodness.

"Elsa." Someone said. I turned around and looked for the source of the voice. I knew who's voice it was. The one, the only.

Pitch Black.

"What do you want!" I called out.

"To show you the truth." It said.


"Let me show you." Suddenly I was seeing Anna and I as kids again. Anna was jumping on the snow mounds yelling,

"Catch me! Catch me!"

"Anna slow down!" The young me shouts.

"Catch me!"

"ANNA!" And it hit her...

Then I see Anna frozen because of me.

"You're dangerous Elsa. And one of these days you are going to hurt someone you love dearly." Pitchs voice said.

"Jack...." I put my head in my hands and tried to shut pitch out of my mind.

"Elsa!" Jack called to me. I took my hands away from my face and smiled at him feebly. "Baby are you okay? Listen me laughing at you earlier, if that's what's upsetting you I'm sorry."

"Oh Jack, nothing's wrong. I just wanted a walk." I smiled, I hoped it looked real, because it wasn't.

After The Storm{test the limits sequel}Where stories live. Discover now