Pitch Black is Back

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I looked out the open window. My long hair was out of its plait and just falling down my back. I stared at my stomach. I hadn't felt anything in weeks. Was something wrong? The cool wind brushed into the wind and stroked my hair. I breathed in and smiled, standing up, I walked closer to the window.

"Happy Birthday Elsa." I smiled to myself. It was my birthday after all. I flicked my hair over one shoulder and a tear rolled down my cheek. I missed Anna. A lot. No one was in the room so I let myself cry.


I could hear her crying. Excellent. Get her while she in vulnerable. The Frost boy is sorted. He has a few months left. I flew into Elsa's room. She turned around and gasped.

"Pitch!" She hissed. Her ice powers narrowly dodged me. She shot again and was very close.

"Been working on your aim?" I cocked my head to the left slightly. She wiped her tears away and glared. "Oh boo hoo. Cry my a river, I don't pity you Elsa. I laugh at you. I heard about the good news." I smiled as she put her arms around her stomach.

"Don't you even think about it." She hissed. I have to say, it frightened me slightly. SLIGHTLY.

"Elsa? Who are you talking to?" Damn that Fairy. Should've killed her and the others when I had the chance. Oh well I'll have to do it now. The Fairy pushed the door open and peeked around. She was about to scream, but I was fast. So was Elsa. I held my hand out to shoot her, but Elsa grabbed me and clung on, knocking me off balance. She gripped her arms around my neck.

"Tooth! Run!" She yelled, but the Fairy didn't move. Sweet.

"Okay, you two can die together."

"Don't touch her Pitch Black." Hissed a harsh and cold voice. Jack! Finally.

"Ah Jack! Wondering when you were going to make a dramatic entrance. Must say, this wasn't your best but you can work on it when your dead." I laughed and flipped Elsa onto the floor. Jack ran to her and lifted her away, she helped as he dragged her out. It was just Toothania and Jack Frost.

"Well Pitch. Looks like one of us has to die." Jack smirked.

"Yeah, you!" I smiled and took out the fairy easily.

"Just me and you." Jack said. We began to circle each other.

"You think you're so powerful. Don't you? Well you're not. No waaaay!" I taunted. Jack just laughed.

"Look at you Pitch!"

"I killed you didn't i?"

"I'm not dead." He shrugged.

"Yet!" I yelled, but before I could shoot Elsa had leapt in front of her. I withdrew my hand. Elsa closed her eyes and put her hands on her head.

"I can't take this!" She whined.

"Elsa move!" Jack yelled,

"Elsa, get out of my way!" I snapped also,

"Elsa, you're going to get hurt!"

"Elsa get a move on. Leave!" The I noticed the storm hate as brewing in here. She looked up, tears brimming her eyes, and suddenly all the magic and the cold ice and snow flew into her chest.


She looked at me. She was turning blue!

"Elsa! Let it out!" I yelled, I was going to loose her! And the baby!

"Run...." She managed to whisper.


"It'll .... Kill ...." She choked. I did as I was instructed. I ran out of the room. Just in time, as she let out the storm and it hit Pitch. She froze his heart. A strand of his hair went white.

"You!" He screeched and suddenly was gone.

"Elsa! Are you okay?" I asked hugging her. She nodded.

"Yes, but...I feel weak!" She fell into me and I lifted her back onto her feet. She steadied herself. "Jack, I know what's happened. I'm so sorry. It's gone. I know it. It would've died with the cold as it was so young."


The baby.

I fell to my knees. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Elsa fell also and wept next to me.

"Elsa I'm so sorry. I put you in harms way!" I cried. She held me tightly and whispered,

"No, it was me. I tried to protect you." She gasped for breath as she wept.

"Should we try again?"

"Yes. We will. Soon. I just...feel weak and tired." Elsa yawned. I hugged her but when I pulled back,

She'd fallen asleep on me.

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