Dark Jack

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Elsa fell asleep just as I walked out of her room. I quietly shut the door, and walked over to North, who was still holding Annalisa.

"Annalisa. That's her name. Annalisa Frost." I grinned. North smiled broadly and Sandy applauded. I look over at Tooth who was hugging Annalisa close.

"What about a nickname?" Bunny asked.

"Annie?" I shrugged.

"Annie. I like it." He grinned. I smiled. I walked over to Tooth, who gave me the bundle of blankets. She was awake. I studied her more now. She had white hair, obviously, and bright blue eyes. My eyes. She had my shade of blue. Her face shape was like her mothers, as was her lips.

"Hello Annie." I smiled down at her, as I sat on the floor. She opened her mouth and them closed it. She repeated this several times before she began to get restless. "Uhhh Tooth?!" I called.

"She's hungry Jack. Maybe we should get her some milk." She replied.

"She'll need baby formula. She's newborn." Bunny chipped in. I stared at him. "Mate, I deliver Easter eggs to children of all ages. I know what a baby needs." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and looked at North.

"Tooth? Can you send some fairies to pick some up from some human place?" He asked.

"Of course. Girls!" She called.

"Now Jack. We might want to clothe her." North said, helping me up. We walked into a room full of clothes.


"Not all children want toys. Now, let's see...newborn...." He scanned the shelves of clothes. "Ah ha!" He picked out a pale pink baby gro.

"Cute!" I laughed. We both walked out of there and into the main room. Tooths fairies had come back. They had nappies and baby formula and a couple bottles. "How....?"

"Don't worry. She's getting cold. Put a nappy on her before she soils the blanket. And then the baby grow. Then we can feed her." Tooth instructed. She taught me how to put on a nappy, much to Annie's annoyance, I got it in the end. We then slipped her into the baby grow and finally I sat down with a warm bottle to feed her.

"Phew! That was tiring!" I exclaimed.

"Well Jack, get ready for the sleepless nights. She's going to be up and-" I interrupted Bunny.

"Shush!" I held up one finger, "let me enjoy this moment with my daughter." I smiled sweetly and then looked back at Annie.

All my life I'd wanted this. And now she was here, I felt complete. "Guys! I'm only 17!"

"Try, 317." North laughed, "don't panic Jack. You're okay."


A few hours later, and I was exhausted. I put Annalisa in her new crib and flopped onto bed next to a sleeping Elsa.

"Jack?" She mumbled, opening her eyes.

"Hey baby." I smiled weakly.

"Mmm you look tired." She smiled and closed her eyes again.

"I feel it." I muttered taking off my hoodie and trousers. I got into bed in my boxers.

"Is she a good baby?" Elsa asked, not bothering to open her eyes.

"Suppose. She's got a good set of lungs and she likes to eat!" I mumbled and snuggled into Elsa.

"Haha, like you then." She laughed quietly.

"You're the singer. It's your set of pipes she's got!" I teased back. Elsa laughed and cuddled in close. I put my arm around her and whispered, closing my tired eyes, "I love you Elsa."

"I love you too." She whispered and we both fell asleep.


The next morning Elsa was up and walking around. Her baby in her arms most of the time. It was nice to see her again.

"Hello Elsa. How are you?"

"I'm great! How're you?" She asked me. I nodded and tickled Annie's cheek.

"Oh she's gorgeous." I cooed. Elsa laughed,

"Would you like a cuddle."

"No, no. You enjoy her while she's calm." I laughed and pulled a chair out for her to sit at. She took a seat, thanking me as she sat.

"How was Jack with her yesterday?" She asked.

"He was great! Kept calm, most of the time. He has the makings of a good father y'know. As you have the makings of a great mother." I smiled, and sipped my coffee. She blushed. Suddenly, a tired and sleepy jack walked out of the bedroom.

"Hi Jack!" Elsa smiled brightly.

"Wassat? Hey Elsa." He kissed her cheek and sat down.

"You tired?" Elsa laughed. Jack nodded and looked at me.

"Guh M'ning North." He mumbled sleepily. I laughed.

"Jack go back to bed for a hour or two. You need it." Jack nodded and flopped back into the room. Elsa laughed again and began to eat.



Annalisa was asleep in her crib, thank god. I walked out the doors and into the fresh air. The snow didn't bother me much. I smiled and stretched happily.

Then there was an odd shuffle of feet.

I turned and saw Jack. But his hair was black, eyes bright yellow and his hoodie was jet black. A smirk plastered on his face.

"Hello Elsa." He Said. He sounded like Jack.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Jack Frost." He replied.

"Who are you really?" I snapped.

"Formally I am know as Dark Jack Frost. Jacks evil twin created by Pitch." He smirked again, and then I felt my knees give out.

My consciousness lost.

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