I'm Sorry What?!

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"A...a baby?" Jack blinked a couple times. Tooth nodded. Elsa, her ear pressed up against the door, decides to go out there.


"Elsa! tell me the truth!" Jack almost begged.

"Jack, it's true. I..." She shrugged, "I'm having a baby." she laughed awkwardly.

"Look we know it's a bit fast I mean who gets pregnant in a day?! But then we think it's due to you being a guardian Jack, this baby will clearly have the strength of your powers combined ..." Tooth rambled on.

Jack stared at Elsa for a few seconds and then grabbed her, and spun her around.

"Oh Elsa!!" He kissed her again and again.

"Jack!" laughed Elsa, "put me down!"

"I'm gonna be a father!" Jack yelled and kissed Elsa. Much to Tooths grimace.

"Okay, calm down." Elsa smiled and sat down at the table. "I'm really hungry for marshmallows. Like, I really need them!"

"Cravings." Muttered Tooth.

"Mmm hmm!" Said Elsa through a mouthful of food. Jack laughed and sat down next to Elsa.

"Is that why you threw up?" He asked. Elsa nodded and continued to eat.


"Makes sense." Jack nodded. He took her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"So then. That means that we are going to have a Guardian baby running about the place in a few years." North chuckled. Clearly overjoyed at the news.

"I hope it's a girl." Bunny piped up. Jack laughed quickly. "I said that out loud ...." Bunny muttered, annoyed.

"Me too, Bunny." Jack said, smirking still.

"Have you thought of names?" North asked.

"Wooooah it's only been like 24 hours give me a chance to adjust." Elsa laughed and Jack smiled, his eyes lighting up. He carefully placed his hand on her flat stomach and whispered to her,

"Somewhere in there is my baby. Our child. I love you Elsa. To the moon and around it and all the way back."

"I love you too." Elsa murmured in response, dreamily.


Oh my. I am ashamed at how small this chapter is. But I wanted to get the baby in there so yeah. But the next chapter is almost done. And it's gonnn be goooooood :) ❤️❤️

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