He's Got Her

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My eyes flicker open. I look to my left and see Elsa isn't there. Maybe she's out? Not thinking much of it, I slip out of bed and glance at a still sleeping Annalisa. I raise my eyebrows and silently fly out of the bedroom. North is I'm his office sculpting. I grab my staff from a chair and flick it over my shoulder.

"Morning Jack." North grunts.

"Have you seen Elsa North?" I ask strolling around, examining some ice toys.

"No? I thought she was in your room?" North says, leaning back in his chair.

"No! She hasn't been around me in ages." I say staring at him. Norths brow furrows and he pulls a face.

"Urgh!" He groans,

"What?" I ask, eager.

"Pitch! He has her! Come with me." I follow him to the Globe Room. A few lights are flickering. Great. North places his hand on something and turns it, "Pitch Black and Elsa." He commands. The globe spins a couple times, and then I see. Pitch and Elsa's dots are next to each other. He has her! Suddenly there's a cackle behind us, I look up. Pitch is in the globe.

"Ahahahaha!" He laughs, "looking for something?" And then he's gone.

"North! Jack!" Someone shouts. Bunny! Bunny and sandy fly in.

"What?" North says,

"It's Pitch! We've found his new lair!" Bunny grins.

"We've gotta go there. He has Elsa!" I exclaim flying into the air. Tooth flys in.

"Let's go!" Tooth smiles, she has a mini fairy army behind her. I grin at her and she blushes.

"C'mon then!" North booms, laughing heartily. He grabs his coat off a yeti, "look after baby Annie. You knew what to do?" He commands Phil, who nods. I look uneasily at Phil, who is cradling her. "Don't worry Jack. They are good with children!" North laughs as I kiss Annie's little head. We all pile down to the sleigh and hop in. (No pun intended for bunny.)

"Oh crickey. Imma be sick." Bunny mumbles as memories of the last ride to Tooth Palace in this went.

"Heh." I scoff and brace myself. In no time at all, we are at Pitchs new lair. And abandoned shack.

Carefully, tooth pushes open the old door. It creaks and edges open against its will. This house must be centuries old. As soon as I step in, memories flood to me.


I hear a young girls laugh, she calls my name. "Jack? Jackson?" She calls.

"Emma!" I call out. Tooth grabs my arm as I try run to it.

"Jack, do you know this place?" North asks.

"I ... I used to live here." I fly over to a table, pointing at the chair and laughing. "I always sat here, mother just opposite me!" I laugh as I remember her.

"Jack..." Bunny points to a bed, under it is a hole.

"Pitch." I hiss, and with North and Sandys help I push the bed away. The hole is deep. A small breeze emits from it, brushing through my hair. I run a hand through my hair and take a deep breath. "Let's go!" I whisper, and jump down it. My body meets with cold hard stone. I didn't brace for impact and so I am winded as Tooths body lands on me. "Uhh." I groan.

"Oh my! Jack, I'm sorry are you okay?" She asks, I nod, standing up. We move so the other guardians land.

"Okay, we need to look around. I say we go separate." I order. Sandy shakes his head.

In teams. Jack and Me, then tooth bunny and North.

He tells us. We all agree and so it's me and sandy waltzing around. "Do you have any idea where she is?" I ask Sandy, who shakes his head. When I look back up, Pitch is standing before me.

"Looking for this?" Pitch smirks and pulls a chain, which yanks Elsa forward. She's bloody, and bruised.

"Jack!" She murmurs, and then both of us lose consciousness.

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