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I was getting weaker. We hadn't even reached Pitchs lair when I passed out. So we had to stop.

"Jack? Are you okay?" Tooth asked. I nodded and held my head.

"Fine. I'm fine. Keep going." I urged North on. When we finally got there, no more stops thank god, I noticed something different. It felt uninhabited.

"Is it just me, or does this place feel empty?" Bunny said looking around. Sandman nodded.

"I agree." I said. I flew over to the Globe. All the lights were on. What was going on?

"Jack!" Someone cried out. I knew that voice. "Jack!" It cried. Elsa!

"Jack no! It's a trap!" North yelled, Tooth came after me.

"It's Elsa! He's got her! We left her and he got her!" I yelled at Tooth. Her eyes widened and I turned around. There was Elsa, hanging from the bridge above us. Pitch holding on of her wrists.

"Jack!" She cried.

"Elsa!" I yelled, "let her go Pitch!"

"Certainly!" Pitch laughed and let go!

"No!" I cried, but Tooth caught Elsa.

"I've got her!" She nodded at me and was about to fly away, when black sand hit her and both girls fell. Pitch grabbed Elsa again and flew up. Higher and higher. I tried to go after him, but I was weak. I couldn't fly anymore.

"Pitch Black! Give her back right now!" North boomed. Pitch laughed.

"No way old man." He threw black sand at North too. Making him weak. I ran up the stairs to Pitch where we fought.

He dodged my ice and I dodged his Nightmare Sand.

"Times running out Jack!" Pitch motioned to a sand timer. A large one. It was nearly over.

"No! I won't die! Not today! Not ever!"

"If you don't die, she will!" He pointed at Elsa, who was now chained to the wall. How did she get there? This man never cease to amaze me like that. She tried to run at me, but the chains held her arms back. "Don't try freeze them Elsa. I've perfected them to withstand any amount of Magic!" Pitch laughed and spat at her. She jerked back and sat against the wall.

"I hate you Pitch! Hate, hate, hate!" She screamed.

"Oh shut up!" Pitch hissed and waved his hand. Making a gag around Elsas mouth. Her screams were muffled.

"Pitch. Let her go and I'll die freely. I'll let you have my power and I'll willingly give in." I sighed. Elsa screamed,

"No Jack!" Tooth gasped. She was laying on the floor with the other weak guardians.

"I'll never fight. I'll never try to come back." I said.

"No! Take me instead! As prisoner. You can use my powers all you like! Just let him live! Let him take the baby and raise it while I live with you!" Elsa screamed. She had managed to get the cloth away from her mouth.

"Tempting Elsa. Tempting."

"Please Pitch. Please." Elsa begged.

"No! No Elsa!" I exclaimed. Suddenly I felt as though someone had taken all my energy. I slumped to the floor on my stomach.

"Pitch!" Elsa cried.

"Never try to escape?"


"No Elsa!" I said weakly. But I knew it was hopeless. Pitch grabbed the chains and held them as he smashed the hour glass.

"Told you Jack. Always mine. Now hurry up and say goodbyes." Pitch said and let go of Elsa. She ran to me and hugged me.

"Jack I'm so sorry!" She cried. I held her tightly.

"Elsa please rethink this." I said.

"I can't!"

"Please Elsa. Please. I love you! I can't live without you!" I cried.

"Hey, it's going to be alright." She put her hand on my cheek. I placed my hand over it. "I love you too."

"Always have."

"Always will." She smiled, kissed my cheek. Pitch then grabbed the chains and pulled her closer to him.

"Well. New Lair time I think." He laughed, stroking Elsa's face.

"OR NOT!" I yelled standing up, I aimed my staff at Pitch and Elsa. Clapping my hand and the staff together, it sent waves of frost and ice towards Pitch.

"Noooooo!" Pitch cried as it struck him. I grabbed Elsa and made a run for it. The other guardians close behind.

After The Storm{test the limits sequel}Where stories live. Discover now