Storm Inside

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I raised my eye brows at Elsa and her shoulders dropped and she rolled her eyes.

"Try again." I said to her and she raised her hand again. She closed her eyes and let a small snow ball evolve. "Good, well done Elsa. Now try-" it froze over and became hard and sharp. I slapped my forehead. Elsa sighed and slapped the ice on the floor.

"It's a lost cause. I'm just bad." She shrugged. I pulled her into a hug and she sighed.

"It's not. We just have to keep trying." I said kissing her head. She looked up at me.

"And failing." She muttered. I rolled my eyes and took her hand. "I'm bored." She grumbled.

"Me too!" I said. "Make out session?" I offered.

"No Jack. We have them so much that it's becoming boring. We need to make them rare and special!" She laughed at my falling expression.

"Well then I don't know." I shrugged, "We're in the modern era, what would you like to do?" She looked at me. Guilt pressing into her face.

"It maybe too personal, but can you show me Burgess?" She asked. I smiled lightly and kissed her nose.

"If you wish it my queen." I was about to fly when,

"JACK, BIG NEWS!" North boomed. I froze and rolled my eyes.

"What now?" I said turning around to face him. I saw all the other guardians around him. Oh crud. "H-have I done something wrong?"

"No Jack, this isn't about you. It's Elsa." Tooth smiled flying over to us. She took Elsa's hand and lead her away from me. A confused look on her face. "Elsa, you've been here for a few months now, and The Man in The Moon,"

"Manny." I muttered. Tooth glared at me for my interruption.

"He has chosen a new Guardian. And it's you Elsa! He chose you!" She squealed. I let my staff drop with a clatter. Elsa looked at me, shocked, and I grinned falsely at her. She shrugged and accepted hugs from everyone except me and Bunnymund, who stayed in the corner, arms folded. I swooped over to him.

"I know you're thinking what I'm thinking." He muttered under his breath, so only I would hear him.

"What's that?" I hissed back.

"What is going to happen, so big, that us, the 5 legends, need help with." He said, puzzled.

"Pitch?" I offered.

"Nah mate, it's gotta be something much bigger, and much worse." He shrugged and patted my back, "good talk." Was all he said, and hopped over to a grinning Elsa. His words replayed in my mind for a little while. I leant against my staff and tried to think. And WHAT on earth was Elsa's centre?

"Hey tooth!" I called, she turned and flew over to me.

"Yes?" She smiled.

"What's Elsa's centre?" I asked.

"Love." Tooth smiled sweetly, before flying away and back to Elsa. Precious Elsa. Everyone loves Elsa. Elsa. Elsa. Elsa. A little voice inside my head snickered her name. What was happening to me?! I loved Elsa!

No you don't. She's an attention seeker. It's always gotta be about her. And you know that.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled grabbing my head. It felt like the whole room was spinning. I tripped and fell onto the floor. Smacking the cold, hard stone.

"Jack!" Elsa cried and rushed to my side. I rolled over onto my back and felt blood trickling from my nose. Gingerly, I touched it. Pain seared through my face and I groaned, "shhh, don't touch it Jack. What happened?" I didn't reply. My head was still spinning, as was the room.

"Jack? You don't look too good?" Bunny said.

"Jack!" Elsa said taking my hand. The last thing I heard was Pitch and his horrible, fearful, laughter.

------------A FEW HOURS LATER------------

Dreams. Strange dreams was all I remembered.

"Elsa?" I said, her back was turned to me. She was rigid, and when I touched her shoulder, her skin was ice cold. "Elsa!" I said as she fell into my arms. I crouched on the floor, holding her. I took her freezing hand.

"Jack, the's inside of me....." She managed to whisper before seizing up, and freezing entirely.

I was having a Nightmare.


My eyes flew open and I became aware of my surroundings. I was back in mine and Elsas bedroom. Lead in the bed, covered in blankets. A steaming mug of hot chocolate at my bedside, along with some of Norths amazing cookies. Voices were outside of the door. Arguing. The door opened and I shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep. Or just out still.

"He is ill!" Said a voice. Tooth.

"No he's not. I've seem this before in my kingdom. It is not an illness." I didn't recognise the other voice. It was male.

"Then what is it?" Asked a deep, Russian voice. North!

"I'm not sure. I'll have to talk to Rapunzel. She'll know. She's a healer y'know." Said the man.

"Thank you King Flynn. We will be in touch." North said.

"Yes thank you. I'll escort you to the Portal to take you back in time." Tooth smiled and I heard the door shut. North came and sat beside me, I felt the bed sink slightly under the weight.

"You can cut the act jack. I know you're awake." He chuckled. I opened my eyes slowly and. North grinned at me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Gave us all quite a fright. Especially Elsa." He smiled handing me the mug, as I slowly sat up.

"Did I? What happened!? Where is Elsa! How long have I been out!?"

"Shhhh!" North soothed, "Elsa's fine, she has been staying with Tooth, she came home today. You have been out for 3 days." He said, taking a cookie for himself and eating it.

"Who was that man?" I asked.

"Flynn Ryder. Husband of Queen Rapunzel of Corona. Elsa's cousin. She has the ability to heal the weak and sick and injured. We thought, if you didn't awake today, we'd have to get her here. But we didn't." He smiled taking a second cookie.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked.

"We don't know for certain. But we think Pitch had a way to hack, into your mind! Crazy I know."

"Hack!? INTO MY MIND!" I yelled, shocked.

"Shh Jack! You'll wake-"

"Jack?" Said a females voice.

"Elsa." North sighed.

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