Chapter 8

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Slow. They were taking it slow. Aiding them, and in many ways, replacing Camila's lack of self-control, was their conflicting schedules. After breakfast Saturday, Camila was set for two shows starting in the early afternoon and running until midnight. Lauren had meetings with the magazine company to look at the work she had done with Camila so they could make their final decisions and then she needed to make preparations for the shoots she had scheduled for Sunday. Any free moment they had, they were on the phone talking, flirting, and teasing. Starting to relearn one another.

Their schedules on Sunday weren't much better. Camila had another show and Lauren was booked for two shoots. Lauren was still snapping shots as Camila walked out of the elevator and into the busy studio. Music boomed from speakers and the crew stood around talking in many conversations while making glances over to the set. There was a group of models outrageously dressed in beautiful, yet unbelievably impractical, all black clothing staggered against a pure white set. The studio lights were dimmed and bright filtered lights exaggerated the shadows of the models and props against the white backdrop, adding a haunting feeling to the photos. It was spooky with their heavy makeup, yet there was something so uniquely beautiful about it.

The things she comes up with, Camila thought as she approached Lauren hidden behind her camera, oblivious to the brunette's presents. The diva placed a light hand on the photographer's side, a little higher than her hip. It wasn't a flirtatious gesture but one viewed merely as an attempt at drawing her attention away from her work.

"Hey. What are you doing here already?"

"Early show on Sundays." Camila explained as she back away slowly. "When you have a chance I need to see you for just a few minutes. It wont take long."

Lauren nodded, a little confused, before she returned and snapped a few more shots. "Take a five minute break. Touch them up a little. I'll be right back." She handed Kim the camera and retraced Camila's steps to her office. "What is it?" She asked passing Camila who was holding the door open, shutting it as the Lauren entered.

"I was just thinking." She paused, leaning against Lauren's desk.


"A lot of things actually. The main one is that I haven't kissed you in over twenty-four hours."

Lauren smiled and slowly approached the diva. Keeping her hands in her pockets, she invaded the brunette's personal space and lowered her lips just in front of Camila's. "Should we do something about that? I still thought we were in the hand holding stage."

Camila leaned forward slightly so their lips brushed without fully connecting. "That stage was surpassed with the bouquets of white roses, daisies, and lilies you had delivered to my dressing room for each of the three shows I have done. Not to mention the arrangement of wildflowers you had waiting for me at my apartment. So just kiss me already."

The raven haired beauty smiled and obliged, warmly catching hold of the diva's bottom lip between hers. As Lauren stood up a little, Camila lifted into the kiss, bringing a hand to the photographer's neck and pulling her closer again. The passionate kiss quickly turned into forceful, desperate, openmouthed kisses as Lauren lifted Camila to sit on top of her desk, moving to stand between her knees. Her mind was telling her to stop but the feel of Camila's skin under her fingers as she ran her hand up the back of the diva's shirt was overwhelming.

"When will you get done here?" Camila asked in panting breaths as Lauren devoured her neck with busy kisses and nips.

"Not soon enough."

"Take me home tonight. I'm done with going that slow. Even if we just cuddle I will be happy." Camila swallowed hard as Lauren grunted in her halted kisses, and rested her forehead to the diva's, gasping to catch her breath and ease her heaving chest. "I'll wait until you're done. I can stay here, out of the way. You wont even know I'm here."

Beautiful When You Don't Try (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now