Chapter 102

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"Oh my goodness. She's pouting already." Normani informed the group as she passed by Kim who was standing in her living room dressed in her pajamas with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You're insisting upon getting my fiancée drunk in front of me. Am I suppose to be happy for that? And she's going to go watch a bunch of naked women. I didn't even let her do that when I was there last time."

"Now you know exactly how I felt," Lauren stated as she poured everyone else a drink as well, leaving herself out of the mix of course.

"Maybe we'll run into that stripper you seduced last time. Too bad you aren't coming with." Camila teased, sipping her drink. "Then we could really test those seduction skills."

The raven-haired dropped her brow and pulled Camila's glass from her hand, causing alcohol to spill down Camila's chin. "Did you just imply that it would take extra work because she couldn't possibly find me sexy now because I'm pregnant?"

The room froze and not even Normani was smiling.

"...No." Lauren arched an unimpressed eyebrow. "I-I was simply referring to the fact that she would be... she would be jaded from the last time you saw her. You had her worked up and just left her. You had toyed with her. Play with her and she received no benefit from the evening."

Normani chuckled devilishly as Lauren cautiously handed the brunette her glass back, glaring at her the entire time.

Adrianne smiled lightly and set her drink down, choosing to approach her aggravated fiancée without it in her hand. "Baby." She called as she ran her hands over Kim's arms. "I love you and it doesn't matter if you put a million naked women in front of me." She leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Because you're the only one I'm going home to."

"Oh boo," Lauren called out and handed her assistant the bottle of liquor. "Have fun with it. Your night will be here soon enough, so stop your whining. It will only be for a few hours and then she'll be back here and completely drunk. And you know how 'playful' she is when she's drunk." The raven-haired teased with a mixed reaction from Kim. The assistant instantly smiled, knowing how true the statement was and for the embarrassed look on her fiancé's face, but that quickly faded when she realized Lauren was talking from her own sexual experiences with Adrianne.

"Are you kidding." Adrianne scoffed. "Have you not seen this woman when she's drunk? Oh, wait, yeah... that was Camila's freedom party where she almost ripped my clothes off in front of everyone. She's the one you're going to have to keep an eye on."

"I'll keep my eye on her," Normani assured the woman who suddenly saw a very big problem.

"And I'll keep my eye on Normani when the time comes," Lauren informed her, calming her nerves slightly. Lauren wasn't going to the strip club this time so she could keep Kim company so the nervous woman wouldn't stalk the club or even show up unexpectedly, but she wasn't missing Kim's. In fact, she had solved the nervousness issues by deciding to have it at her and Camila's apartment and just hiring the strippers to show up there. That way Kim would be in her comfort zone and hopefully be able to let loose.

"You better not come back to me smelling like another woman," Km mumbled shyly as Adrianne pulled her into a hug.

"Kim, you have nothing to worry about. You trust me, don't you? Besides... what's a kiss or two from a dancer? I thought the big picture is that I don't bring one home." Kim arched an eyebrow and Adrianne smiled devilishly as she leaned down and stole a kiss. "I love you... You trust me not to go home with anyone don't you?"

"Of course."

"Alright then. I'll be home in a few hours." She pecked her lips and stood up but Kim wouldn't meet her eyes. Adrianne looked at the woman who held her heart, pout and let out a long sigh. "Yeah, I can't do this. I'm not going." She confessed turning to the trio behind her.

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