Chapter 20

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A/N: times and old friends...good stuff.


Lauren had never been a morning person. At night, she always felt more alive, more aware of everything. The mornings were times she dreaded, waking up and leaving the comfort of her bed, leaving her unfinished dreams. It was the worst beginning to a day that just happened to be the beginning to every day. The last few mornings, however, had started to change her mind. Yesterday, Camila had woken her up in the most amazing way possible, with kisses and everything she could dream of. Today, she was awake first and watching the diva sleep. The emotional drama from the previous night had left Camila drained and Lauren concerned, so she hardly slept while the diva crashed and had yet to wake up despite it being nearly noon.

Lauren was sitting at the foot of the bed, leaning against the bed post with her legs stretched out towards her pillow, camera in hand. She brought it up to her face, focused it on the sleeping diva, and took a picture before peeking over the top of the camera to see the real thing. She loved that feeling. That feeling that no matter how long someone else stared at the picture she just took, they would never be as lucky as she was to see the real thing in person.

A light smiled formed on her lips and she returned to her camera, pulling her legs to sit Indian style and resting her elbows on her knees. She zoomed in and traced over Camila's placid features, her lightly closed eyes, slightly pouted lips, barely curled fingers, strands of wavy dark hair that had fallen near her eyes. She could wake up to this every day. She could forget about the lost dreams and the blinding bright lights of morning that she hated. This would make up for all of that.

The photographer lowered her camera as Camila started to stir, wiping the sleep from her eyes before she stretched onto her back and caught Lauren's loving gaze. "Good morning. Working on satisfying your addiction I see." Camila jibed, pointing to the camera.

"Both of them."


Lauren nodded, abandoning the camera and walking on her hands up to her girlfriend's waiting lips. "Taking pictures and looking at you. I always did tell you that your 'look-at-me, look-at-me' life style would never be a problem."

"Oh, I see." Camila ran her hands up and down Lauren's neck as the photographer trailed light kisses down her jaw line to her ear. "What time is it?"

Lauren smiled as her kisses departed the brunette's ear lobe and ventured down her neck slowly, becoming longer and heavy with each caress. "It's that time that is long past the time when your parents go to work." She nipped at the diva's collarbone and soothed the reddening skin with her tongue as her hands pushed the covers away from Camila.

"You're very eager this morning." Camila teased as Lauren's warm hands ran over her stomach as the raven haired woman wasted no time in removing the light tank top and continuing her trail of kisses to the pert breasts, causing the diva to gasp and begin to pant as she expertly teased the hardening nipple. Camila loved it when Lauren did that. Not just the swirls of her tongue but the feel of her hot breath on her skin, the closeness of their bodies, and how her hands explored every inch of skin as she did it. Lauren slid her hands between the diva and the mattress, cupping her ass, and pulled the brunette's hips down the bed, flush against Lauren's, bringing the diva's mouth level with hers again.

"It's a busy day and we're already getting a late start." Lauren explained as she worked Camila's sleep pants down and threw them off the bed. Camila guided her hands down Lauren's chest, groping her breasts before she reached for the hem and pulled it up over the photographer's head. After adding her shirt to the growing pile of clothes on the floor, Lauren dove back into the diva's neck, quickly trekking down the brunette's tight body as her hand move up her endless legs, lips and hands meeting at the apex of her thighs.

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