Chapter 54

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A/N: I just want to let you guys know that this story will continue everything under this title and just have a really obvious indication that there is a time gap. Also, the next 'part' of the story will start in a few chapters. Just to give you a heads up.

There is a little bit of a gap in time here. It's about a week later.

...oooh and i get some questions about what Camila's ring looks like so i put a photo above(it even says 'diamonds by Lauren' 😂)


Lauren was sprawled across the couch while Frankie was draped over the arms of the chair in the couple's living room. "So," The raven haired woman began, using all of her remaining energy to speak. "Do you still prefer working with Camila?"

A small chuckle of nervous laughter rippled from the spent man but soon grew into hysterical gasps for air as booming bellows filled the air. "She's a tyrant. How did she possible expect us to not only find, purchase, and perfectly place all of your furniture, but paint the walls the appropriate color, and to also merge your two households worth of boxes, clearing the place of clutter, in a week?"

"She didn't care how, just as long as we did."

Frankie shook his head and forced himself to sit up, wincing at the strain he felt in his muscles. "At least I'm getting paid to do this and my job ends when I walk out the door. You are choosing to live with her every day."

She smiled at the ceiling until she lifted her hand in front of her face and looked at the new engagement ring on her finger. Camila had surprised her with it by hiding it in her camera bag. Lauren was much more of a traditionalist when it came to these things. She wanted just the round solitaire in a white gold setting to match Camila's, but Camila wasn't pleased with the emotional simplicity of it and had it engraved with the date of their photo shoot. She said it was the most import day of their lives, more so than their wedding day or the birth of any future children. Camila argued that those dates would be invalid if it wasn't for the first. "I'm pretty sure I can handle it."

"You have my best wishes."

Lauren dropped her hand and twirled the ring around her finger as she watched Frankie stand up and grab his coat. "Thank you for everything. I couldn't have managed it without you. Are you sure you can't come to our Christmas function?"

He shook his head and smiled lightly. "I have a flight in the morning to head back to Miami. Dad wants me to spend Christmas this year with them. I figure I owe it to them after missing the last two."

Th raven haired rose from the sofa and hugged her old friend tightly. "Be safe and enjoy yourself."

"Oh, I plan on it." He assure her as he stepped into the elevator. "But I have no intentions of being arrested during the holiday season." She rolled her eyes at the jab and waved as the doors closed.

Looking at the clock, she sighed. Camila had a final batch of interviews before the holiday break but should be on her way home right now. They were still keeping their engagement a secret until her parents went back to Miami. Worrying about Clara getting caught up in the media frenzy was challenging enough for the couple. They didn't want to risk Alejandro and his nack for saying the wrong thing. Lauren shivered at the drama it would bring if the papers found out that he wasn't thrilled with the photographer's proposal.

Quickly, she pushed the thought aside and grabbed her phone to call Camila but it rang before she could. The raven haired smiled and answered it. "I was just about to call you."

"See, we are meant to be."

"Not denying it."

"So, are you ready to go pick up my parents? Their flight should be in in about an hour." Camila asked with a little stress seeping through in her voice. She had yet to talk to Alejandro since they announced their engagement to the Cabello's. Sinu had called and talked with them on a regular basis, but Alejandro kept quiet.

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