Chapter 1: Wicked Crush

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China's POV
"And cut!" The director instructed "alright that's a wrap guys, I am so proud of each and every one of you. I mean it from the bottom of my heart that we could not have possibly chosen a better cast. Descendants 2 is going to be exciting, thrilling and most importantly wicked!"

We all cheered, I'm going to miss this. The cast and crew were so welcoming and fun to work with!

"China!" Sofia screamed next to me.

"Sofia! I don't have a hearing problem!" I teased trying not to laugh.

She laughed linking our arms, "Let's go bestie!" We ran to her trailer, "Get changed, we're getting Chipotle."

I nodded running to my own trailer only to run into Cameron. We both fell on our butts. He luckily fell on the ground. I, however, was not so lucky. Insert eye roll, I don't even want to talk about it.

My embarrassed 😩 thoughts were interrupted by a loud obnoxious laugh. I looked up from the cart to find Cameron laughing and to make it worse Dove was standing next to him giggling. Just great! I embarrassed myself not only in front of my crush, but in front of my crush's crush! They were bonding over my embarrassment!

Cameron bent over as he held his sides. Meanwhile, Dove tenderly rubbed his back. What is happening before my eyes! "Y-You fe-fe-fell! P-Paint everywhere!"

To make matters worse my emotions chose the wrong time to make themselves known. I started crying! Ugly, snot infested tears wrecked through my body! So, I stood up with my hands over my face and ran to the safety of my trailer.

----2 hours later---
I finally got all the paint off. I actually feel a lot better considering the situation. I mean I only completely and totally embarrassed myself in front of my crush of 3 years. It's not the end of the world, right? I mean there are other boys and I am total catch! Especially, since now that my hair and outfit are on point!

 It's not the end of the world, right? I mean there are other boys and I am total catch! Especially, since now that my hair and outfit are on point!

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"Cameron may be cute, funny, sweet and charming, but he's not the only boy in the world." I mumbled to myself. I opened the door to my trailer, walked out and closed it behind me.

"China!" I looked to my left and saw Cameron leaning against my trailer. He quickly jogged up to me "I am so sorry about laughing at you! I was being an inconsiderate jerk. I should've checked on you instead of checking out Dove."

My mission to find a new crush was completely forgotten as I melted from his sweet words. "Wow thanks for the apology. It really means a lot to me!"

He smiled pulling me into a hug, "I wanna tell you a secret." He whispered pulling away. "I think, you look super cute covered in paint."

He walked away as I stood in the same spot frozen in shock. I quickly gained mobility and smiled.

"I can't deny that I want him to be crush has gotta be the real thing!" I sang skipping to Sofia's trailer.

Kiss the Girl (China A. M. and Cameron B.)Where stories live. Discover now