Chapter 5: "The Date" (Part Two)

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China's POV

We finally pulled up to a gated community, "You live here?"

Cameron nodded his head as he pulled into his parking spot of the condo. I chuckled to myself, what a coincidence and how did I never notice before. Cameron and I literally live in the same building. Once we got out of the car, we walked towards the entrance. "So, when did you move here?" I asked him curiously.

"Uh, it's been about six months. It's pretty awesome!" he told me as we walked to the stir case. I chuckled to myself as I realized that I live only one floor above him.

"That's funny I moved in almost a year ago. I literally live a floor above you." I explained.

*One hour later*

After baking the chocolate chip cookies and popping our popcorn, Cameron and I sat together on his couch debating on what movie to watch. "Come on China, I want to watch Power Rangers! Please let me watch Power Rangers!"

I rolled my eyes as I shook my head, "Once again Cameron, no we are not watching Power Rangers. I want to see Resident Evil. It's the last movie in the series, I have to watch it!"

Cameron looked at me as he shook his head sighing, "Fine, lets compromise. We should pick a movie that we both will enjoy...(thinking) lets watch the new beauty and the beast movie! Emma Watson plays Belle." 

I laughed at his enthusiasm. I'm pretty sure he wants to see this movie more than I do. "Okay fine, but only because Luke Evans as Gaston is a beautiful sight worth seeing." I explained as I giggled thinking about that broad, honky man. No one person should be that beautiful. 

Cameron started the movie as he put his arm around my shoulders, "Oh, by the way, I hate to burst your bubble China. But, Luke Evans is gay."

I sat up and snapped my head in his direction, "What! He can not be gay! We are supposed to spontaneously meet each other while filming a movie together, then fall in love, get married and have three gorgeous children named Jessie, Caroline and Dominique. How can my fairytale life happen if he doesn't even like women."

"You literally have no chance China!" he said as he bent over laughing.

I lightly hit his shoulder, "Shut up Cameron! No one asked for your in out."

"You know you love me." he replied as we sat back and started watching the movie again.

'More than you will ever know..." I thought to myself.

Sorry it's been so long guys. I currently have two jobs, so my work schedule is a bit hectic. The chapter is a bit short, but I will try to update again on Friday, so fingers crossed! 


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