Chapter 2: Instagram

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China's POV
I was on twitter searching...okay I'll be honest...I'm on twitter stalking Cameron. I know, creepy, so sue me. Although, we all know y'all would do the same thing. Anyway, I was watching a video he retweeted and let me tell you it was hi-larious. It was called animal thugs, a raccoon just-

"China! Get up now and look on instagram!" Sofia screamed from my living room.

"Sofia? How did you get in here?" I asked confused "You, kinda, don't have a key."

"China, I'll tell you how I picked your lock later-"

"WHAT! You picked my lock! How did you do that?" I asked shocked, sitting up quickly.

"China, focus! That doesn't matter, by the way you should probably invest in a new lock. But, anyway go to Cameron's instagram!" She instructed.

I quickly got off of my twitter and logged onto instagram. I searched through my friends list for Cameron. "So, what exactly am I looking for?"

"Trust me, you'll know once you see it!" She smirked plopping down on my bed next to me.
I clicked on his profile and immediately notice the most recent image. I quickly clicked on it wondering what was going through his head.

{My #wcw is one of my best friends The spectacular, multitalented and lets not forget beautiful China Anne McClain! Not many of you know this, but we have been friends since the start of Grown Ups

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{My #wcw is one of my best friends The spectacular, multitalented and lets not forget beautiful China Anne McClain! Not many of you know this, but we have been friends since the start of Grown Ups. I can honestly say that I can't imagine life without her. #ihopeshesaysyes}

I re-read his caption about five times I couldn't believe what he just wrote. I didn't know that he really felt this way. I mean, of course, we are friends, but I had no idea he considered me a best friend. I just don't know what to think.

"So, what do you think?" Sofia asked startling me. I was so engrossed in the post that I completely forgot she was here.

"I-I don't know...I'm honestly extremely confused. Yes, we are friends. Yes, we hit it off on Grown Ups, but it was never really the same after we filmed Grown Ups 2. He, kinda, went off and did his own thing. I didn't hear from him much after that." I admitted as I laid down on my back just staring at the ceiling.

Sofia sighed, rolling onto her stomach staring at me. I could tell she was thinking about what to say next. She had her head on her hands with her elbows on the mattress. "I think he likes you, but doesn't know it yet."

I stared at her for a full minute thinking about how crazy she sounds, "You sound insane!"

"Think about it China! You two were super close, then all of a sudden after filming he just cuts off all connections with you. Now years later, you two are working together and he posts this incredibly cute side by side pictures of the two of you! He even called you his wcw. He called YOU BEAUTIFUL! NOT cute...NOT pretty...NOT adorable...BEAUTIFUL!"

"That doesn't mean anything. He clearly just wants to rekindle our friendship." I told her hoping to end this conversation.

She sighed rolling her eyes. "Fine, but just know that I am right. Chameron will happen and I have a feeling there will be lots of tears. Tons of confusion, wicked schemes and a tale as old as time."

"So, now you're quoting beauty and the beast?"

Kiss the Girl (China A. M. and Cameron B.)Where stories live. Discover now