Chapter 6: Back to Set

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Two weeks later.

China's POV

It has been about two weeks since Cameron and I had a movie night at his place. It was nice to finally be able to sit down and have an actual conversation with him.  It reminded me why I like him and why I see so much potential in our relationship. We have so much in common. Our families absolutely adore each other and it's like our paths always cross each other. We always find our way back to each other. It is like fate, someone up there is trying to tell us something. Unfortunately, Cameron is not getting the message like I am.

"China...hello earth to CHINA!" Sofia shouted in my ear.

"Geez, I'm right here Sofia. No need to yell." I replied shaking my head to stop the ringing.

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, you are physically sitting right next to me. However, you are mentally on another planet. It took me twenty minutes to finally realize that I was having a conversation with myself."

I sighed, "I am so sorry SoSo. I am just so distracted."

"Let me guess you're thinking about Cameron. China it will happen one day, trust me...listen to your fairy godmother." she joked.

I shook my head laughing, "Cameron, no I wasn't thinking about him at all. I was thinking about how I just found out that Luke Evans is gay...It's not fair. We were supposed to get married and have beautiful mixed babies...why are the hot ones always gay?"

Sofia started blinking uncontrollably, "You're just now finding out that he's gay? Wow, China, late much."

"He-" I was interrupted by the producer calling us back to set.

I know what you're thinking, I thought filming was over. It was over, until about a week ago when I received a call from our director explaining how the last thirty minutes of the film was accidentally deleted. So, now the date for the films debut has been pushed back a couple of weeks much to the viewers and my fellow actors frustration.

2 hours later

We finally finished filming the boat scene for 'It's Going Down'. I decided to meet up with Sofia after filming.

"China," Sofia ran up to me dragging Dove along with her "Dove is going to the mall with us! Isn't that exciting?" 

I looked between my two costars. One looked excited and the other one looked tired, "Are you sure you're up for it Dove? You look exhausted. We can always reschedule if you need us to."

Dove gasped, "Are you kidding? I could never be too tired to go shopping! I can always nap in the car."

"All right, what time are we leaving?" I asked.

"In 20 minutes, now hurry up ladies! To the dressing rooms!" Sofia shouted as she ran off to her trailer.

Dove and I just watched her as we laughed at her antics. 

15 minutes later

I finished getting dressed with five minutes to spare.

I was standing by my vanity putting everything in my purse, when I heard someone knock on the door. 

"Come in!" I shouted without looking up. 

I heard someone open the door, but they didn't speak right way. I assumed it was just a set hand collecting my Uma costume.

(Prologue Scene)

"I need your help." I turned around and found Cameron standing by the door of my dressing room/ trailer.

"Tell me about it...what's on your mind?" I asked him as we both sat down on the couch.

"You know Dove, right?" He asked

"Yeah, she plays Mal!" I confirmed scooting a bit closer to him.

"I have this huge crush on her, but she won't give me the time of day. She sees me as a little kid...I'm 17, not a kid!" I could tell, he was frustrated as he ran his hands through his hair.

"She's 21! Maybe you should open your eyes and see that the girl you've been looking for is right in front of you..." I confessed.

"I have China. Every time I open them she's's fate! No one compares to her!"

I sighed, "Fine, but we are going to talk about this later. I have to go, I was supposed to meet the girls five minutes ago." I explained.

We left my dressing room and I just continued walking refusing to let him ruin my girls shopping trip. I will just have to deal with his stupidity later. Right now, it's not worth my time.

Sorry it's been so long guys, but I finally have a small amount of free time now that school has started

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Sorry it's been so long guys, but I finally have a small amount of free time now that school has started. I hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 6. Like and comment please!


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