Chapter six

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Parker and I having been seeing each other for almost a month now and dad still has no idea. Mostly because Parker and I haven't actually discussed what we are. It turns out that he actually works for my dad so that makes it very tricky for us to avoid him. I have kind of stopped informing mom of what is going on between us just because I feel like the more I tell her the more in Trouble with dad she will be when he finds out. One thing that has surprised me about Parker is that he wants to wait until I'm 18 to do anything sexual with me. I mean it's smart, but at the same time thats two years away and I don't know if I can't take waiting to years. I'm sitting on my bed lost in thought when I hear a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I ask

"It's dad"

"Come on in"

"What are you up to bug?" He asks as he sits on my bed

"Just thinking." I reply absentmindedly

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, you know, what I want to do after high school." I lie so he doesn't know I'm thinking about Parker.

"You've got two and a half years to go. Don't stress your self to much about it. You know your mother and I will support you no matter what you choose." He replies and pats my shoulder before getting up and leaving my room.

Right after dad leaves my phone rings. I answer it and quiet tell Parker to hold on a minute so I can make sure dad is out of earshot.

"Alright your good." I say through the phone.

"How is my beautiful princess today?" He asks

" I'm well, just been thinking a lot is all"

"What are you thinking about baby?" He questions.

"I don't know. Just trying to figure out how I'm supposed to make it two more years before losing my virginity." I sign

"Princess, you know I made that rule so that we wouldn't be breaking the law. You know just as well as I do that if your father found out we were sleeping together he would have my ass in jail for the rest of my life. Plus there's still things about me that you don't know and aren't ready to know."

"Like what?" I curiously ask.

"Not now princess, in due time I will tell you."

"What do you mean in due time?" I question.

" I know you curious sweet one, but now is not the time. I must be getting back to work now, but I will text you later. Don't forget we are going out Friday."

"Alrighty then mister mysterious." I say quite frustrated.

" now little don't catch and attitude with me. I'll talk to you later, goodbye princess"

He hangs up before I even have a chance to reply. That was definitely an odd conversation. He has never made comments about my attitude before and now there's things that he's been hiding from me. I immediately call Maddison and tell her about the strange conversation and she starts telling me about all these red flags she read about online and that I need to be careful and distance myself a little bit. She suggests that I cancel the date Friday and see what he says. I don't know if I can actually bring my self to doing that.


Dinner that night was extremely quiet. Mom isn't home and dad won't tell me where she is. I tried calling her several times but she won't answer. Come to think of it dad is acting kind of weir as well. I tired to ask Gail but she just gave me a sad look and walked away. I'm really starting to get worried. I try to calmly finish my dinner, but it's no use. I get half way down and go to throw it out. Of course dad throws a fit about that but I still throw it away and head up to my room. I try to call my mom a few more times before heading to jump in the shower. When I get out I find that Teddy has texted me.

"Hey bug is mom ok she hasn't answered any of my messages"

"She hasn't been home all day and dad is super moody. Gail gave me a sad look when I asked if she knew where mom was. She won't answer my calls either"

"That's weird. I hope everything is ok between mom and dad. Please let me know if you find something out"

"I will bro."

Thank you. I've gotta get back to what I was doing, but love you bug stay out of trouble"

"I make no promises. Lol. Love you too big bro"

First Parker has been acting weird and now mom is gone and everyone in the house is being weird. I'm getting some bad feelings. I try to shake some of the bad feelings off by watching some hgtv. Nothing like some good ole renovation shows to distract me from all my life problems. As I'm watching Parker texts me and we text back and forth for a bit before he tells me he's heading to bed and that he'll text me in the morning. I send another text to mom as a hopefully attempt to figure out what's going on. I'm surprised when ten minutes later she replies

"Hey honey, sorry I haven't been replying today. I just have some stuff I have to deal with, don't worry everything is okay. I'll be home in a few days. Tell your dad and brother I love them. I love you, sleep tight."

"I love you to mom."

I'm nit sure I believe her when she says everything is okay but I haven't to until I know for sure what is going on. I get up and find dad at his desk and let him know I heard from mom. I told he what she told me then head back up to my room to finally get some sleep.


It's seriously been like a year since I last updated this. My life has been so crazy this last year. I also wasn't it a good place for a while. But I'm happy to stay I'm better now and ready to start on this book again. I have better ideas of where I want this story to go and I hope that y'all with give me some constructive criticism along the way. Feedback will help me to keep the motivation to write this.


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