Chapter Thriteen

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    "Hello." I say as I answer my phone  without checking the caller ID.

    "Hey, honey. What are you up to right now?" I hear my moms soothing voice on the other end.

     "Nothing, Just hanging out watching supernatural."

     "Are you ever not watching that show." she chuckles

      " Hey! Sam and Dean are hot. Can you really blame me for being obsessed with the show?" I defend.

      " I'm just teasing, sweetheart. The real reason I called was to ask you if you'd like to go to lunch with me?"

      "Of course mom. Where do you want to eat?"

      "How about Panera?"

      " That is a good choice. Let me change then I'll meet you there." I say as I get up and head to my bedroom.

    "Alright honey, see you in a bit. Bye, love you."

       "Love you too, mom."

Quickly getting dressed and making sure that I look semi presentable I rush out the door to the elevator. Panera bread is about a 10 minute walk from Escala, so I take the opportunity to get a little exercise. Walking in the door I find my mom sitting at the table closest to the lit fireplace and She informs me as I sit down that she went ahead and ordered our food. I laugh at how she knows exactly what I get when I come here. We eat with light chit chat for a while before I finally decide to tell her about Parker and me.

"So mom, Parker and I are back together." I say as I play with the straw of my drink.

"When did this happen?" she casually asks without looking up from her plate.

" Not to long ago. He came to the bookstore I work at one day and asked me if I would just talk to him. I agreed and after hearing him out I decided to give it another go."

"What happened between the two of you back then anyways? You never told me why you broke up with him."

"We just had different views on somethings and I wasn't willing to be open minded about them." I say avoiding the BDSM topic.

"What view did you not want to be open minded about?" she asks

" It really doesn't matter now, I was just being stupid and stubborn back then."

" Are you happy?" She asks eyeing me skeptically.

"Yes very." I reply confidently.

"Have you had sex with him?"

"MOM!" I squeak, turning a bright shade of red.

"You have haven't you?" she asks raising her perfectly arched eyebrow.

" Mom, do we really have to talk about this." I sigh rubbing my hand down my face.

" Honey, its perfectly natural to have sex. I just want to make sure your being safe."

" Okay! We have had sex one time and yes we used a condom." I whisper shout and look around to make sure no one heard me.

"I'm gonna make you an appointment with my gynecologist so you can get on some birth control just to be safe. Condoms can break or come off."

"Okay..." Is all I say

" You know its also okay to experiment." She says.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask curious of what she is getting at.

" All I'm saying is it is perfectly okay to try things that may be considered taboo as long as you are being safe and trust the person."

" Oh My God mom, are you into kinky shit?!" I ask horrified.

" You could say that." She says as she takes a sip of her blood orange lemonade.

" Ewwww!" I squeal and cover my face.

I quickly change the subject to something not involving my sex life or my mother's sex life. We finish up our food before heading our separate ways. When I get back to my place I see Teddy heading towards my front door so I walk up behind him and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and wraps me in a giant bear hug before allowing me to Unlock my door for us to head inside and chat. I avoid telling him that mom is into kink, mostly because it will cause questions to arise about why we were even discussing it in the first place and I definitely do not want to have to explain my sec life to my older over protective brother. He would surely run and tell dad.

Around seven in the evening there is a knock on my door. I glance through the peep hole to see who it is before opening it. Parker stands at my door with a bag of what looks to be Chinese take out. Once inside I usher him to the table and we sit down to eat. We eat in silence for quite a while before parker starts lightly chatting with me. I feel awkward because of the fact that I have now slept with him and I don't know how to act or what to say.

"You know it is okay to talk about us having sex right? It's the only way this will work." He eventually breaks the tension in the room.

" I know, its just that I'm new to all of this and it's a little awkward to me to talk about it."

"There is no need to be awkward about it. It is just you and me, so there is no need to be shy about what we do as a couple in private." He sighs.

" I guess I'm just worried I'm going do something wrong. I don't want to embarrass myself by saying or doing the wrong thing." I say as I run a hand through my silky blonde hair.

" You know I don't care if you know what your doing. I know what I'm doing and my job is to teach you. It is okay to make mistakes. Hell I made mistakes when I first started out." he reassures.

I nod and continue to pick at my food. Eventually we make our way to the couch where we just cuddle and watch supernatural. Well the cuddling lasted about five minutes before I start screaming at the tv. Parker laughs at my crazy obsessiveness towards the show. Around ten-thirty he kisses me goodbye and heads out. I wanted him to stay but I have work in the morning so we agreed him staying would keep me up way to late.  Sighing as I close the door behind him I jump at the sound of my phone ringing from across the room. Quickly running over I grab it and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer breathlessly.

" Girl, what have you been doing to be so out of breath?" Madison asks suggestively.

" Running....running from the other side of the room to grab my phone." I laugh.

"So have you and Parker done the frickle Frackle again."

"Madison! No we have not. I have to get over being awkward about it first."

"Girl, why are you awkward about it? Its just sex." she questions.

" Remember I just lost my virginity so this is all still very new to me. Give me some time."

We continue to chat for a few more minutes before I end the call and start my nightly routine. By the time I crawl into bed I notice I have three messages on my phone from Parker. All of the messages are super sweet and make me smile.


I hope you enjoy this chapter please don't forget to comment and vote. Your feed back really helps me to grow as a writer and keep the motivation to continue writing.


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